Poster of the Week: 8/18

The winner this week is…


To show our appreciation for the contributions that Soldierslim has made to the forums this week, we’re sending him a tub of <a href=“;jsessionid=C7FDD89CBD9C1BD4B602844BE6C9FEBB.ba13?id=459253"target="new”>Classic Grow!

Stay tuned, because next week we’ll be selecting another “Poster of the Week!”


Great choice all.

Started some great threads on antiox’s, and R-ala. Gave some great advice, and I personally liked the undertone of humor in some of the post.

Once again congrats.


Nice job buddy-- go with the chocolate, it’s awesome.

Could not be better timming as I was just planning on droppin’ off another load of cash at the online store today! And could you beleive that two bottles of classic Grow! were actually on the list? Looks like Biotest just lost themselves 23 bucks!

But seriously folks, I’ve got much pride for “The Nation”. I rock my T-man shirt around town, and I’ve got the poster prominantly displayed in the house (girlfriend loves it). It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy knowing that I’m getting a tub o’ Grow! on the house.

Phil and Jared, thanks for tha props.