Posing Music Choices

I’ve narrowed my choices down to my favorite 3.

I’d like some opinions.

  1. No Easy Way Out, Rocky IV soundtrack

  2. War Machine by Kiss

  3. Hearts on Fire, Rocky IV soundtrack

Have you competed before? I ask because what i used during my first contest was very simple and had a constant beat which helped me with my routine. Years later, I felt much more confident and my selection reflected it. Off hand though, I am a fan of war machine.


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What does your physique look like? Classic flowing lines tend to lend itself to certain music vs a more blocky, mass based body. There is crossover though, just get something that matches your body and personality. That combination comes across well.


First show. I’ve done powerlifting for about 15 years and now compete pro. Just had nothing left to do for the rest of this year until I turn 40 so wanted to give this a go. I’ve always thought about doing it, so I’m trying it.

This was a few weeks ago weighing about 247ish. I believe this was 6 or 7 weeks out.

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Cool. How well do you “move?” Some guys think posing routines are dance numbers while others view them as simply a chance to show their physique in its best light.

I’ve never been a great dancer, and never really liked the routines where the competitors dance so much they forget to pose, so my first routine was basically:

face this way and hit two poses
Quarter turn
Face this way and hit two poses
Quarter turn
Face this way and hit two poses…

Simple, but I picked what I thought showed my strengths and didn’t use what I thought showed anything that was a perceived weakness. Musically, I used God Of Thunder by KISS. A basic beat, not too fast, and easy for an uncoordinated individual to pose to :slight_smile:



I’m no dancer. I move like an uncoordinated sober white man with 2 left legs.

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lmao,… again, my vote for War Machine.


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I have never heard War Machine by Kiss but I’ll check it out. I think your first and third choice can go with any simple routine with traditional poses.

Stu helped me out in winning a natural pro card and my routine consisted simply of traditional poses that flowed together with a Megadeth song. I should know the name of which one it was, but I’ll have to dig up the DVD of my routine.

Anyway, we chose a metal song that could go with nine traditional (though not all “mandatory”) poses melded together. At first I wanted to go with a black metal song by an obscure group that sounds very bombastic, but we decided it would not be fitting, and we didn’t go for songs that would be more suitable to someone who is smooth, so to speak. I’m not inherently clumsy (I’m actually moderately athletic) but I’m sure no Rusty Jeffers, Arash Rahbar, Lee Labrada, John Brown, or Melvin Anthony. No moon walks, no dramatization, no splits, and so on. So I say people who aren’t slick should go with songs that can fit a more orthodox routine. @The_Mighty_Stu

If that’s the case, I think you can go with standard heavy metal or rock songs by the more popular artists like Kiss, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Anthrax, and so on. Maybe Slayer. I’d like to see someone pose to Walk by Pantera. I think the rhythm of the song and breakdowns can fit nicely with poses by blocky white guys.

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“Blocky white guys” -lol. I’m laughing but Im objective enough to know I fit the bill.


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So @ironmonster78 how about an update on your contest prep? I’m guessing you’re getting close now.


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I competed Saturday. Ended up not making weight and doing superheavy bodybuilding

I placed 5th overall masters

5th overall novice

1st novice superheavy

3rd masters 35 to 39

Pics of finals


The_Mighty_Stu https://t-nation.com/u/the_mighty_stu
July 9

So @ironmonster78 https://t-nation.com/u/ironmonster78 how about
an update on your contest prep? I’m guessing you’re getting close now.