Popping in Knee After Squats

Alright, so I had been going ATG on my squats for a while now. All of a sudden last week though, around Monday, my left knee started to make a popping sound. It did not feel too good, but I pushed through my last heavy set. It wasn’t too heavy, it was the first week of Madcow’s 5x5. I just went about my daily routine until Wednesday, when I had to squat again.

My knee felt like complete shit, and started to pop again. This time it felt like my knee was on fire. I felt like it is better safe than sorry, so I made a doctor’s appt. for last Friday. He gave me two options:
Surgery or not going as deep on my squats.

He did say parallel was fine, so box squats are in, if I opt not for surgery. I wrap my knees, and warmup properly.

He also said something about my tendons not being formed right. I am at work and the paperwork is at home.

So my question is. . . What would you do???

Don’t go parallel? Easy as that. Do you really want to go through surgery and months of recovery and rehabilitation?

Not a chance, not a chance. Maybe when I am older, but not now. BTW Apple I can go parallel, just not much lower than that.

[quote]slippery_banana wrote:
Not a chance, not a chance. Maybe when I am older, but not now. BTW Apple I can go parallel, just not much lower than that. [/quote]

Yeah, but you asked what we would do. The options were 1)surgery 2)go parallel. Me thinking you were considering surgery lol.

Do you front squat? Perhaps you can front squat ATG without knee pain?

Oh, I got you. I front squat on occasion, I’ll try it on Wednesday and see how it goes.

I guess I was just trying to validate my decision. HAHA