[quote]Headhunter wrote:
I suffered a blow to the head — the girl was very nearsighted! ;D
I have had whiplash and was hit by a car pretty badly years ago. Who knows what causes all this…
I have type II diabetes, and there is a high correlation between that and low testosterone.
In addition I have some other auto-immune diseases, again associated with testicular failure. I am pretty sure the treatment I went thru for one of them did a lot to kill my testicles (my endo has hinted around but never confirmed it).
So yeah, it is complex as to why this happens to some of us.
[quote]KSman wrote:
AlphaDragon wrote:
Not meaning to incite an arguement, but I’ve personally been wondering if I have Low T also or if it’s just something “natural.”
Most of these “symptoms” (like drop in athletic ability, for example) can simply be from aging, right? How do we determine if it’s a “natural” drop or if it’s a “low T” Drop.
What about low T is not natural? You questions are a bit wrong.
Many of the symptoms of aging are from decline of hormones and restoration of hormones can eliminate many of the problems of aging.
Loss of T levels can be from aging processes of the HPTA (look it up), and also often from cancers that effect the pituitary or from a blow to the head or whip lash. Some have damage to the testes or structural problems such as veins that stop working properly.[/quote]
I have to admit, after considering what KSman as well as others have said, I now have a better understanding, I think.
Very (too?) simply put:
The things that we attribute to old age and other “natural” things can actually be traced back to a progressive lowering of “T” levels? Thus the term “natural aging thing” is in actuality an effect of this?