Why not try both? Do a physique show later on this year and see how you look and place. Personally i would stick with bodybuilding as i find the training and dieting more “demanding.”
just noticed the legs
[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
I actually just saw your show is in 2 weeks?? You better get cracking on your conditioning man.[/quote]
This is a reason that makes me lean towards physique. That looks like just about the right leanness they are rewarding…whereas bodybuilding you need more time to get into true contest shape in my opinion.
Do physique and practice a moderate load/water strategy, 6 weeks later do a bodybuilding show with your new found experience. Thoughts?
[quote]Scott M wrote:
[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
I actually just saw your show is in 2 weeks?? You better get cracking on your conditioning man.[/quote]
This is a reason that makes me lean towards physique. That looks like just about the right leanness they are rewarding…whereas bodybuilding you need more time to get into true contest shape in my opinion.
Do physique and practice a moderate load/water strategy, 6 weeks later do a bodybuilding show with your new found experience. Thoughts?[/quote]
Sounds reasonable. Depends on what OP is able/willing to do.
You are definitely behind on conditioning, as others have said. maybe it’s your posing and the goofy face you’re making (lol), but the bb’ing poses look better than the physique ones, relatively speaking. You have a solid physique and if you tightened up your posing (and bf levels), could do well in either. Seems to me you’d be a bit small for a LHW.
Either way, good luck with the rest of your diet and hopefully you share pics after it’s all said and done.
Im probably going with physique, I know my conditioning isnt there, the one in the yellow shorts is 12 days ago though. The newer one is in the board shorts that are purple. Then I will move on to a bodybuilding show in september and ill tightin up a bit. Ill post pics and let you know how I do. Thanks for everyones advice.
I do love the bodybuilding aspect but I feel like I need more muscle mass because I am 5ft 11. I know bone structure is important but coming in around 192 at the height is risky.
I’m 5’11" as well, and I competed at 172 lbs. I think you could do either and shine (sounds like you’ve decided anyway), but I also think you are being to hard on yourself with your bodybuilding analysis–more mass, sure, always, but you can beat a bigger guy with the perfect conditioning (unlikely at this late stage) and awesome posing. You’ll be kicking yourself if the bodybuilding competition wasn’t tough.
[quote]davidcox1 wrote:
I’m 5’11" as well, and I competed at 172 lbs. I think you could do either and shine (sounds like you’ve decided anyway), but I also think you are being to hard on yourself with your bodybuilding analysis–more mass, sure, always, but you can beat a bigger guy with the perfect conditioning (unlikely at this late stage) and awesome posing. You’ll be kicking yourself if the bodybuilding competition wasn’t tough.[/quote]
Thanks I appreciate that, My posing I feel needs work and my conditioning isnt there. I wish i I could just decide which one in 4 days, which would be 7 days out. But had to chose. Redford in detroit npc was a huge show last year, just matters who shows up and I agree with everything you said.
You look good man–I think your plan will suit you well moving forward. When is the second show?
Thanks man! The second show is in september, the michigan northern naturals. npc.
You looked the part! Good job.
how did you score? these surf shorts cover your trumph card - quads, really aim for bodybuilding, you could be a soilid competitor in natural shows! good luck
Wow, awesome physique man. Would you mind posting some info on your training, diet, things like that??
[quote]bugeishaAD wrote:
You looked the part! Good job.[/quote]
Thanks I came in at 193. All the guys were like 180lbs or below at 6ft or higher.
I came in at 193 at 5ft 11
[quote]Tomasz Sosnowski wrote:
how did you score? these surf shorts cover your trumph card - quads, really aim for bodybuilding, you could be a soilid competitor in natural shows! good luck[/quote]
I placed, I got 4th. I have a picture that will be uploaded, you cant tell from the pic but I have atleast 10-15lbs of lean mass on the winner. He was in great shape, but I was conditioned right there with him. It probably didnt help that I had 6 pizza slices, bread sticks, fruit smoothie and pop after prejudging, luckly it all absorbed.
Ya I couldnt show my quad stridations or ham stridations which are hard to get. My quads are 26 inches at show weight and calf 17.
you looked good. Based on that pic I would have had you in the top 2. are you going to get more pics from the show?
Congrats. Could you have work slightly shorter shorts? Those are kind of the style now anyway… or was it required that the shorts go below the knee?
[quote]gregron wrote:
you looked good. Based on that pic I would have had you in the top 2. are you going to get more pics from the show?
Congrats. Could you have work slightly shorter shorts? Those are kind of the style now anyway… or was it required that the shorts go below the knee?[/quote]
Thanks man, Ya im waiting for them to come out. The usual photographer wasnt there so I dont know whats up when the pics will come out. I had them a bit above knee one inch. The rule is a inch above knee. I have to get them tighter though because they were falling down a bit.If I popped my legs out it would of been a different outcome i believe in the placing.
bro u looked bigger than all of the taller guys there. conditioning wasn’t off either I have no idea how u finished 4th ???
From that pic alone I would have the guy in the middle/red trunks first. You and the black guy battling for 2nd/3rd, green shorts 4th and blue shorts 5th.