[quote]Chi-Towns-Finest wrote:
Thanks for the comment!
Firstly, I’ve never used a coach–this is my second show. It was very clear to me the areas I needed to improve after my first contest. Hit it hard for 18 months and I’m back!
I tried to keep everything as simple and consistent as possible, I suppose you could say my method has been static cals with adjustments as needed–borderline with carb cycling. However, my fat intake is very consistent. This last week I brought carbs down to 100g, and ~70g on Wednesday. Thursday I did a moderate carb up, ~300g–today I’ll be having ~200g. I know a lot of people might get crazy with the carbs. I like to keep it somewhat moderate because I’m sitting right at my weight–and I’ve been ready to go all week, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!
As far as sodium; I just don’t use salt anymore, and avoid using sodium-laden spices. I don’t track it like I did my first show, or avoid protein shakes bc. of the sodium. I keep my diet as consistent as possible, using the same carb and protein choices (ie oatmeal, sweet potato, fish, egg whites, chicken breast, protein shakes, and <GASP!> ground beef)–and as always POUNDS of broccoli!
I’ve really tried to soak up the advice of natural pros, namely Layne Norton–have learned a lot from other successful BBs like Stu. I kept my carbs near 30% my entire prep, with the exception of a few days this week–many enhanced guys were calling me nuts for not going keto, sodium depleting, or any of that other hoopla. I stuck to my guns and kept things as consistent as possible.
How about you, what’s your approach the final week?
you’re welcome Chi Town.
so how did it all turn out man? all that you wrote looks pretty solid. pay no attention to others harping on your methods, well, if your methods work that is,lol. there will always be someone saying this or that.
Dude, personally, I think going keto is a huge mistake from what I’ve seen and experienced. everyone I personally know who has worked with one of the ‘names’ in the bbing industry who pushes keto prep diets have all lost muscle and found it near impossible to fill out effectively on stage. why? cos they went keto. it’s like trying to make a train moving @ 200mph go in reverse direction at the snap of your fingers…nah-uh, ain’t gonna happen. buddy of mine that just competed in same show as i did as a heavy who hired a keto prep coach said this after the show, “no more fucking keto!”
i really respect Layne Norton and like what he has to say. he has started to work with some enhanced guys so i am thinking i’ll pick his ear about final week manipulations cos i didn’t nail this one even though I came 3 out of 16 in my class.
my final week was something old with something new, meaning, a slight drop in carbs then a gradual build back up. had to be concerned about making weight so that was a focus and affected strategy. the ‘new’ was using diuretics which, i am not a big fan of and after having used them, even less of a fan of now.