ya know,i might give the muscle up a go
[quote]WolBarret wrote:
Dude, whoever mentioned the tire stuff, THANK YOU!!! I finally have an idea on what to do.[/quote]
The looks some people give you can be very amusing.
My facking chins have been the bane of me.
I’m working toward a 5x5 on the chins (I weigh around 220 now, so I’m sure if I was a light little bastard I could do it) and today I got so damned close… 5,5,5,5,4.
So, this will fall soon, and then I’ll try to work for more reps.
[quote]A18 wrote:
WolBarret wrote:
Dude, whoever mentioned the tire stuff, THANK YOU!!! I finally have an idea on what to do.
The looks some people give you can be very amusing.[/quote]
Hell, I’m gonna do these at the back of my parent’s house. My aunts might stare at me through their windows.
50-100 consecutive Burpess, with the Push-Up portion using a full ROM.
[quote]nptitim wrote:
Do sprints outside on the hottest days just because you can
One of my favorites. I love to run in the heat…I’m definitly going to give some of these a try. Thank you!
Going up 25 lbs in the deadlift every week, begginer gains <3
So far this has been my biggest challenge…
3 months ago, Weight was 238 lbs
Bad Cholesteral 149
Body Fat was was 28%
I have gone down to 218lbs but now am back to 228lbs with muscle mass gain and lowered body fat to 22%.
After the blood test, bad Cholesteral was at 128 and over all cholesteral was 181, 1 point from perfect.
My trainer Joe has helped alot and I give him alot of thanks!
Now for the next 3 months, I want to finish off the last of my gut and handles…
Double bodyweight squats x 20 reps is always good for some laughs.
Here are a few:
- One arm pullup
- Get the bench past 1.5 times my bodyweight
- Sled pull 315 for 1/2 mile on the beach
- Attain a Class I total by Thanksgiving
- Look good enough for the ladies as I’m a reformed fat bastard
Stiff-legged squats! As many reps as you can, followed by supine bench press!
i find one arm weighted dips a killer - talk about balance !!
[quote]arsefluff wrote:
i find one arm weighted dips a killer - talk about balance !!
Here are mine:
The max weight I can get on my Clean and Press and Snatch.
405 pound deadlift, 225 bench and 315 squats - or the max I can get to while mainting my 180 lbs. Plus I wouldnt mind having a formidable Bent Press number.
Full straddle planche pushup.
Front Lever Pullup.
One armed pullup, pushup wheel rollout.
Extended Handstand Pushup.
And If have time in life lol… Ringwork.
HAHAHAHA — Good luck to me…