[quote]gregron wrote:
I’ve been bored lately and thought this might get some discussions going… So can you do these things?
Bench press, Squat and DL your bodyweight at least 10 times?
Do 10 full ROM pull ups or chin ups?
Run 3 miles under 30 minutes?
Bench Press 1.5x your bodyweight?
Squat 2x your bodyweight?
Deadlift 2x your bodyweight?
OHP 1x your bodyweight?
I feel like these are all very reasonable marks to hit and I threw the 3 mile run in there as a conditioning type of benchmark.
If you have any more suggestions to add to the list let me know. [/quote]
yes to all, while banging your mom, who has a moustache WAY cooler than yours. current BW is 212 at 5 ft 8.
EDIT: i reread it, i dont know if i can do 3 miles under 30 minutes, not without a few smoke breaks. so im just gonna assume i cant.
[quote]gregron wrote:
I’ve been bored lately and thought this might get some discussions going… So can you do these things?
Bench press, Squat and DL your bodyweight at least 10 times?
Do 10 full ROM pull ups or chin ups?
Run 3 miles under 30 minutes?
Bench Press 1.5x your bodyweight?
Squat 2x your bodyweight?
Deadlift 2x your bodyweight?
OHP 1x your bodyweight?
I feel like these are all very reasonable marks to hit and I threw the 3 mile run in there as a conditioning type of benchmark.
If you have any more suggestions to add to the list let me know. [/quote]
Squat and DL yes, Bench noway
5 miles in 30 minutes
once, in gear
yes, raw
I can’t grow a moustache. sadface.[/quote]
I guess the criteria should be a little different for women… I just dont know how? Maybe you could throw together a “good” list based on similar criteria?
(girls are allowed/encouraged to miss the mustache part)
BW for 10 reps, yes
10 ROM pullups, yes
1.5 x BW Bench, no
2 x BW Squat, no
2 x BW DL, yes
BW on OHP, yes
30 minute 3 mile, probably. In highschool, I ran 3.1 in the mid 18:00 - low 19:00. But I was 60 lbs lighter.
Moustache skills, none. 2 weeks of growth and people still need to be within a few feet to notice it.
“Hold a candle to”
- Meaning -
To compare badly to a known authority - to be unfit even to hold a subordinate position.
- Origin -
Apprentices used to be expected to hold the candle so that more experienced workmen were able to see what they were doing. Someone unable even to do that would be of low status indeed.
[quote]B to the rian wrote: - Origin -
Apprentices used to be expected to hold the candle so that more experienced workmen were able to see what they were doing. Someone unable even to do that would be of low status indeed.
That, surprisingly, makes a whole lot of sense. Knowing is half the battle
The only things I’m not sure on is the 3 mile thing [never tried but 3 10 minute miles back-to-back seems doable] and the 1xbw ohp 'cause I rarely do overhead work. Actually, I might try this today. Is that standing or seated? Everything else is a smoke show.
EDIT: I lied. A mustache I grew would be neither fierce nor majestic [sad face].