I believe I’ve developed patellar tendinitis in my right knee. It’s really tender directly under my knee cap. Anyone have any experience with this? I can get thru my workouts ok as long as I warm up and stretch really well. But it’s after when it really hurts.
I’ve eliminated hack squats because they really stress the knees and so far that’s helped. I also just got a pressure strap to wear so hopefully that will help some more. Any one have this problem as well?
I read somewhere that muscle imbalance can lead to problems with patella traction and hence knee pain. but you seem like youve been around the weightlifting game far to long to have lagging muscles. Maybe it would help to up the dose of fish oil? usually helps with the knee pain i get from sprinting and squating
Ice like Bushy said, load up on the NSAIDs and fish oil to get the inflammation down, and look into getting a cho-pat strap to wear on that knee to take some of the pressure off of the tendon where the tendinitis is occurring.
I feel for you man, I have this recurring pat. tendonitis in one knee…rest seems to make it go away but it seems to come back. It is probably caused by a biomechanical issue, but I am not certain. I read a study a couple months ago about doing slow eccentics for help with tendonitis. Maybe give those a shot, also here is something I found on the net http://ortho.muhealth.org/sports/marberry/Patellar%20Tendinitis%20Rehab.pdf
It is a treatment program used my mizzou trainers to treat pat. tendonitis. You probably have heard all this crap before, sorry I could not help ya more!
well thanks much for your input guys. i think the culprit is a combo of my foot positioning while doing hack squats. i had a lower back injury a while ago and i have to be very careful when doing legs. so if i’m doing say leg press for example, it helps take a lot of stress off my lower back by positioning my feet very low on the platform.
so low in fact that my heels are not touching it and all of the contact is on my toes and balls of my feet. this is the best position to keep my low back out of the movement. if i go up high, i feel my back kicking in. but unfortunately going so low places a great deal of stress on the knees. and since hack squats are notorious by themselves for knee stress, i think the combo of these two things has taken it’s toll.
so i’ve stopped the hacks and am trying to go a bit higher with my foot placement. so far so good. i had a leg workout yesterday and my knee doesn’t seem to be as tender today. i also have a strap for my next workout. and i’ve found that massaging the tendon is helping. every now and then when i’m seated at my desk, i’ll reach down and massage the area that hurts back and forth from side to side.
at first contact it hurts like hell but after a little bit while gradually increasing the pressure, the pain slowly subsides and it feels a lot better.
[quote]1morerep wrote:
well thanks much for your input guys. i think the culprit is a combo of my foot positioning while doing hack squats. i had a lower back injury a while ago and i have to be very careful when doing legs. so if i’m doing say leg press for example, it helps take a lot of stress off my lower back by positioning my feet very low on the platform.
so low in fact that my heels are not touching it and all of the contact is on my toes and balls of my feet. this is the best position to keep my low back out of the movement. if i go up high, i feel my back kicking in. but unfortunately going so low places a great deal of stress on the knees. and since hack squats are notorious by themselves for knee stress, i think the combo of these two things has taken it’s toll.
so i’ve stopped the hacks and am trying to go a bit higher with my foot placement. so far so good. i had a leg workout yesterday and my knee doesn’t seem to be as tender today. i also have a strap for my next workout. and i’ve found that massaging the tendon is helping. every now and then when i’m seated at my desk, i’ll reach down and massage the area that hurts back and forth from side to side.
at first contact it hurts like hell but after a little bit while gradually increasing the pressure, the pain slowly subsides and it feels a lot better. [/quote]
Yeah, the low position on the leg press/hacks sounds like a recipe for injury…
I’m suffering tendinitis in both knees AND tricep tendons in my elbows!
I’ve stopped all direct quad work for over a month now, and still my knees burn and ache. Ice does help. I’m taking fish oil like crazy as well. Stretching and foam rolling the quads relaxes the pull on the tendons and helps with pain.