Partial Pec Tear, Rehab Help

Am a 51 year old wannbe powerlifter who sustained what I believe to be a partial tear of my Pec major at or around the musculotendinous junction while BPing. Injury occurred despite long warm-up and my body temp being elevated(sweating). Injury occurred on the eccentric portion of lift approx. 3"-4" above chest.

I have had several tears over the years, all repaired surgically with varying degrees of recovery. Upon consulting with my Orthopod, decided surgery not warranted at this time. I am looking for suggestions and rationale to rehab this on my own. Right now, 1 week since injury; no pain; no deformity; no black & blue; ROM equal & pain-free.

When I contract/flex my Pec, I feel a soreness between my armpit and the lateral border of my Pec. What would you suggest for me, and, WHY? I would like to compete in the USAPL NJ States in late march, 2008. I am all ears & welcome any and all suggestions. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

My only suggestion would be to sent the above to the Q and A on Elitefts if you haven’t already. I hope you heal up quick bro. Injuries suck.

[quote]Hanley wrote:
My only suggestion would be to sent the above to the Q and A on Elitefts if you haven’t already. I hope you heal up quick bro. Injuries suck.[/quote]

Second that. Tate has had two pec tears and came back to PR in the bench 100 pounds after each tear.

I’d ask him and definitely talk to Mike Hope on the Q&A over there.

Good luck.


Did you get my suggestion about 3 sets fo 20-25 reps on the db floor press mixed with massage and stretching?


I did & THANKS…am going to do them tomorrow.
Hanley & Des - Thanks for your input…will follow up on it.

Elite would be a great place to start. You also may want to pm hoss cartright, he just came back from a pec tear.

I have read in many places those guys coming back swear by floor presses. Also, ART has worked wonders on my shoulder and back. My best advice would be to find someone in your area and give it a try. Good luck!


[quote]jackreape wrote:

Did you get my suggestion about 3 sets fo 20-25 reps on the db floor press mixed with massage and stretching?


Jack, I am interested in this recommendation as the first time I tore my pec was on floor press (I have 2 tears under my belt) and I have to be real careful with them now. Not questioning your advice but curious on your angle. The biggest problem I have with floor press is lowering the bar with my lats.

The main question I have for QT is you should be getting immediate feedback on the movements that hurt so what are you finding is painful?

Obviously you need to avoid them and find things that don’t hurt and work them.

Depending on the extent of the tear it could take as little as 3-4 weeks to start to feel reasonable or as long as 6-8.

You need to find movements that don’t aggravate it beyond reasonable pain and be careful how hard you push.

I sustained a partial tear in June 2006 about 6 weeks out from my first PL meet. It was in the belly of the muscle toward the center of the chest. I had felt a “twinge” a couple weeks prior and subsequently altered my training to avoid injury, but a friend visited me while I was lifting and while screwing around with sub max weights I experienced a tear.

I second what people have said about Go to the QA and do a search on “pec tears”. Dave Tate experienced quite a few and has some thorough responses on his rehab process. Matt K also had a partial tear a couple of years ago in the same area you have, either in his log or the QA he covers his rehab. Both started working on restoring range of motion with light weights and then progressing.

I competed in the meet 6 weeks out from the tear. I was using a shirt, but I did not push my limits. I focused on getting a total and looking for PR’s in the squat and dead. I have since restored full strength to my bench and have added about 20 lbs to my raw PR.

I think the most important thing is restoring tissue quality after the initial healing. ART therapy helped with this as well as self massage. I also believe cambered bar work and dumbell presses past the chest help increase flexablity and prevent tears.

Avoid Dips.