Painful Squatting Problem

I haven’t squatted in about 5 months because of an ankle injury/laziness but anyways I decided to start again a few days ago and as I begin my 2nd set I an excruciating pain in both my hamstrings, so bad that I can barely rack the bar. I figured that I wasn’t stretching well enough so I spent extra time on that on Tues. and guess what, same damn thing as well as tonight. I’m not sure what it could be now so any ideas would be helpful

Warm up walking tread mill etc mobility work and you havent squatted in some time start slow. I would do the stretching so much as mobility work and getting warm


What was your set progression like? What’d you do for warm up weights (warm ups in general too)? Do you do any dynamic work first?

[quote]Phill wrote:
Warm up walking tread mill etc mobility work and you havent squatted in some time start slow. I would do the stretching so much as mobility work and getting warm


Thanks, I tried all that you suggested and I think it did help some. I didn’t really feel the tightness till I got home so I think I just need to ease myself back into things.