I have a pain in my left collar bone area that is preventing me from being sufficient in my chest workout, basically whenever i try BB Benchpress whether it be flat, decline, or incline, the pain is too much to handle.
It doesnt effect my Shoulder,Arms,back, or leg training its just my chest training that its effecting. Should i stick to doing the Hammer Strength chest machines? when i used the hammer strength machines the pain did not occur which i found quite weird.
I have a feeling my bench strength is going to go down dramatically because of this which is frustrating. any tips would be great. thanks!
Basically its in my left collar bone area and i tried different grip variations, it seems as though the wider the grip the less the pain is, i was using a barbell for all three exercises, im not sure what it is rlly but because of it i dont do dips either,
i dont know if i have ligament dmg or something wrong with a tendon or something else its quite annoying because i am really trying to get much bigger this semester im megadosing bcas’s, taking Alpha Male, rez-v, beta-7 and this is just holding back my chest progression.
today i just did 10x10 on a hammer strength machine to atleast get something done for chest.
Stop shrugging your shoulders when you bench press, you are supposed to pull the shoulders BACK, not UP when you are bench pressing.
Rest the area for a weak or two and stretch it out thoroughly until the pain is gone and then start benching with better technique so that it doesn’t get aggravated.
Somebody else might have some decent input that I wouldn’t mind hearing as well.
How long has this been going on? This is a complete a longshot here but cyclist who crash catch themselves with their hands and often break a collarbone. Maybe you had one of them wild crazy college parties and tripped over some drunk guy, caught yourself and strained your collarbone??
Reason I ask is I mountain bike and have crashed, caught myself and felt a bit funny in the collar bone area, not to the point of pain but weird none the less.
Tendon strain from benching heavy too frequently. My suggestion is to take a week or two off of active recovery.do pushups and pullups every other day, but more importantly swim. Swimming helps a lot with quick recovery from these strains.
Hopefully, you will come back fully recovered, and ready to hit the bench again.it may be that your tendon strength is holding back your benchpress. If that is the case, try this.
i really think it is my tendon, its really aggravating, i took a whole week off from training because i just moved back up to college and had to arrange my house and shit and was putting icy hot pads on the area the whole week and i thought it was gone but today it just killed me to do bench.
The problem has been going on for a while and luckily its not affecting my lifting for other parts of my body. do you think Flameout could help at all? megadosing it or whatnot?
[quote]jck524 wrote:
I have a pain in my left collar bone area that is preventing me from being sufficient in my chest workout, basically whenever i try BB Benchpress whether it be flat, decline, or incline, the pain is too much to handle.
It doesnt effect my Shoulder,Arms,back, or leg training its just my chest training that its effecting. Should i stick to doing the Hammer Strength chest machines? when i used the hammer strength machines the pain did not occur which i found quite weird.
I have a feeling my bench strength is going to go down dramatically because of this which is frustrating. any tips would be great. thanks![/quote]
uhh, stick to what doesn’t hurt?
use the HS machines for awhile, then come back to barbell benching and see if the pain occurs again. re-evaluate plan from there.