I bench 265lbs but only deadlift 355lbs. It seems to me that my deadlift is very weak compared to my bench. I understand that things like this are bound to happen to beginners such as myself, but I wonder what the most out of proportion numbers you’ve seen in a real competition are (for a non super heavy weight, especially). Like if somebody out there has a 400lb bench and a 355lb deadlift or something.
I’m also pretty curious how gear would play into this.
Yeah, I don’t really consider it something to worry about, but I just wanted to see who else doesn’t have the nice 3:4:5 ratio or whatever the proportions are “supposed” to be.
I do kind of hate having such a strong bench compared to my DL, though, because it makes me feel like a tool.
Some more weird strange numbers for you. I close grip incline bench as much as I flat bench, 210lbs. Got a buddy of mine who can bench 275lbs for a super shitty and slow rep, ass of the bench, horrible form, whatever, in his mind if he gets it up it counts. However, he squats 225 for 5 above parallel partial reps, knees buckling, just a plain ugly lift. My brother doesn’t really lift consistently, but at one point he did have a 365lbs dead and I think could only bench like 135lbs for a rep or two. None of these are competition lifts like you asked about, but those are some out of whack numbers I have seen.
[quote]Joeyc123 wrote:
I bench 315 and can only squat 355 and deadlift 370…
my excuses are having ACL surgery affects my squatting and I have a partially torn meniscus (anyone have knee surgery and still squat? Hopefully?)
my grip is whats limiting my deadlift…Been stuck for a while[/quote]
I’ve had ACL reconstruction with a partially torn meniscus. Weights don’t really hurt my knee. I’d say sprint/jump/sports training hurts them more but honestly, its not bad at all. I put a lot of time into rehab and strengthening my legs though so be sure to do so. Good luck!
Whenever I hear about crazy differences in numbers like that, I always wonder what those numbers would be like in a competition, with a pause on the bench, parallel squats, etc.
Yeah, mine are all gym numbers (never done a competition), but I get a good pause on the bench and don’t hitch up the deadlift or anything weird. I didn’t post anything about squats because I prefer to squat way below competition depth. I do feel like a lot of people inflate the hell out of their bench and squat numbers, though.
A guy at my gym benches 672, squats, 600 ish, and deadlifts 600 ish. He trains his squat and deadlift in a home gym so I never see them. Last time I saw him squat or deadlift he was at about 600 for both lifts.
There seem to be a lot of bench specialists out there. Those guys tend to have bench numbers close to or higher than their squat and deadlift.