I have no idea what people are thinking when they say do legs when one asks about arms. I suggest you do ARMS if you want big ARMS. People mistake large-bone-structure-naturally-huge-arms with good arm development by guys who never do arms and stick to squat, bench, and rows.
This is not the case, as even so top guy in here has warned against curl-grip rows as being potentially dangerous. So where does that leave this guy? Wide grip rows all day long for arms, but no direct arm work? No…
We all know guys who never had a bar on their back EVER, and do arms and chest all the time and they have great arms with not ever doing one squat. How is this possible?
Easily- to have big arms without having natural huge size, you simply work the arms directly. At my best I was 185lbs with 18.5 inch arms and I really never did a squat. How did I accomplish this? Well, I curled…a lot. I could curl 135lbs on the olympic bar for a few reps when I was 18 at a bodyweight of around 190. I also did concentration curls- a lot of them. What was the result? Big arms.
Yeah, you can do pull ups and chin ups, but most guys can’t do many. So, instead of quitting in frustration because you fail at 3 on the pull up bar, hit the barbell and dumbbell curls, and alternate your grip from wide to close. Don’t neglect direct arm work unless you want substandard biceps.
Now, you’re going to hear a lot of people sucking the squat’s dick after this post, but take it from me when I tell you that it is NOT necessary to squat for you to have big arms. There are a lot of male models in the mgazines with great torsos, but legs that have obviously never really had a bar with over 135 lbs on it across their shoulders.
Not everybody wants 32 inch thighs, so for those guys who would like to be able to fit in jeans, definitely do barbell curls for arms and just do them like you would do any other muscle- you know the drill: 5x5, 8x3, etc. and remember to pick 2 exercises, let’s say body drag barbell curl and concentration curls or hammer curls. Train them no different than you would anything else and they will come up.
Who in their right mind would tell a guy who wanted big lats to squat? Makes no sense…want big legs? Squat. Big shoulders? Press. Big chest? Dips or bench press…Squat isn’t the catch-all answer to all questions.