Hi - Sorry for the delay in responding. I was out of town working for a couple of days…
VMAN - Short Answer - No. On the day that I did the odac I was 195.2 lbs. The 0.5" gain showed up within ~4 days at which point I weighed 197.2 lbs. Actually I suppose the question is: would my arms have grown the 0.5" regardless of which arm program I did. The only way to accurately answer that would be to clone me and my program and have one of me do the odac and the other do something else (ie my usual arm routine). Tough to do, but if someone wants to fund it… 
Scott H. - How much cardio were you doing in addition to bodybuilding (re: basketball)? That too could have had a negative effect on your arms recovery. I currently do NO cardio. As for strength - my feels great!
Kilabeez - I was taking Tribex-500 at the same time as Nandrosol (not Androsol) 'cuz I am crazy. I figured that Nandrosol, according to Bill R or someone like him, does not work via conversion to testosterone. Tribex-500 supposedly works by increasing LH which leads to increased testosterone. So why not have both working for me, eh? I believe they are not the in the same Class either (T is class 1 and the Nandro is class 2 if I am not mistaken. Thus they would not compete for the same receptors. Correct me if I am wrong, please.)
Creatine - again I figured that it would only enhance the action of increased T and Nor-Andro. A theory of CM supplementation is that it increases the anabolic potential of muscle cells by increasing their water content. So add that to the increased anabolic environment from higher levels of T and Nor-andro.... Boom! :-)
Andro - I cycle it two weeks on, 4+ weeks off (depending on finances…). This time I did andro for 2 weeks then took 3 weeks off then did a cycle of nandro for 2 weeks.
CM Cycle - This I cycled 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off, 3 weeks on.
Lipo - Today, Nov 26, at a weight of 193.5 lbs my arms are 15.5" flexed cold (in the morning, after I poop ‘n pee…kiddin’
And FINALLY, for complete clarity here is the supplement cycle that I did from Sept 9 to Nov 23ish:
Weeks 1-4 : CM, 20 grams/day for week 1 and 10 grams/day for wks 2 - 4
Results: Start Wgt=172, End of 4th wk: 184
Weeks 5-6 : Androsol, 70 sprays 2x/day. Results: Start Wgt=184, End of 6th wk: 189lbs
Weeks 7-8 : Tribex-500 only.
Results: Start Wgt=189, End Wgt: 189
Weeks 9-10 : Add Nandrosol, 70x2; Add CM, 5grams x 2
Results: Start Wgt=189, End Wgt: 198
Week 11 : Stop Nandrosol, continue Tribex and CM
Results: Start Wgt=198, End Wgt: 198.
Week 12 : (this week) End CM and Tribex. Add some fat burners. Change diet to cut down carbs (50Pro, 30Fat, 20 Carbs).
Results: Start Wgt=193.5. Obviously loss of water from carb and CM depletion. Yet the arms are not shrunken (yet…).
I'll do this for either 1 or 2 weeks depending on my pyscological situation. You know - mood changes, energy levels, etc. Then I'll do a cycle of CM + Androsol + Tribex since I got such nice results from the CM + Nandrosol + Tribex. Or I may substitute Mag-10 for the Androsol. But that depends on $ and whether or not I can get it (I'm a Canuck...)
Okay! This has been long but hopefully I’ve been able to answer some of your questions.
Now it is time for fun - workout and a movie with the girlfriend. Have a good night gentlemen.