Olympic Shoes

i have been squatting in wrestling shoes but i moved my stance in and i find im falling foward and i was wondering if these would help with that and activate my quads more, if so which ones should i get and how much are they?

They can help you use quads more, sure. Make sure you have sufficient ankle mobility first though, I’d look at stretching your calves and doing some ankle mobility drills. However, I do love squatting in Oly shoes and normally squat with a medium stance, and have competed in Oly lifting myself, so here is a great site for shoes:


Also, Adidas are great: http://www.dynamic-eleiko.com/products/shoesFR.html

which ones would you suggest for a beginner shoe, i do some olympic lifts (power cleans and power snatches) but ntohing serious so i dont really want to blow 120$ on an experiemnt

I bought some high end Adidas OL shoes, originally for PL’ing (because I used a fairly narrow stance). I too started out using chucks, but found that I was much more stable with my style of squatting (and thus my numbers got better) when I switched to OL shoes. They were a great investment. Now I use 'em for what they were intended for.

thats what im thinking, i started out at a wide stnace, like a foot outside shoulders, now im at shoulder width and i feel like i cant sit back enough without a heel but i hate regular shoes cuz all the angles and squish and shit… ill save up and see what i can do

I like 'em.


The cheapest you’ll find is the VS or Do-win shoes, so I’d just settle for those. I have Do-win Rogues, they are AMAZING. I got them from Werksanusa, but they must have gotten discontinued or something… Not sure, but they were replaced by that Risto shoe, no idea how they those are. Good luck.

I donated my pair of adidas to a friend not thinking I would ever use them again. Just ordered a pair of the Do-wins Wed Ill let you know. My training partner has em and likes them just fine. I think I paid right at about 100 bucks for them.

I’ve got Rogues too. Had them for 6 months or so. They’re great, nothing bad to say about them at all.

you can get the rouges at rougefitness.com or some such along with other kit.

I got some polish ones which are nice for my wide feet but pricey at weightliftingshoes.ca

You will love them once you get them. and if you dont OL in them they’ll last forever.


How do these look for some shoes, i cant find any others in australia and buying from the US is way to expensive with all the shipping/currency conversion…

Bignate, try squatting with some 2.5lbs or 5lb plates under your heels and see what that does for ya.

You can also go to www.hawkathletic.com for weightlifting shoes not found anywhere else in this country.

You can also go to www.hawkathletic.com for weightlifting shoes not found anywhere else in this country.

I have a pair of Risto weightlifting shoes. I’ve only had them about 3 weeks but they made a noticeable difference in the way the squat feels. It seemed like I didn’t have to think about form as much - it all just fell in place. I think I paid about $120 including shipping.

If you scroll down the page, you can see the various color combos you can get (at least I think you can still custom order them). I got plain black.

I love my Adistars, makes front squatting a whole different game.

No reason to spend $200 though when there’s plenty of cheaper shoes out there- I just wanted the satisfaction of saying that a kangaroo was killed to make my weightlifting shoes.

[quote]IronAbrams wrote:
I love my Adistars, makes front squatting a whole different game.

No reason to spend $200 though when there’s plenty of cheaper shoes out there- I just wanted the satisfaction of saying that a kangaroo was killed to make my weightlifting shoes.[/quote]

there are tons of kangaroos. they are also delicious. And breed like hell. sustainable food source.



One of these days…

So any advice on the shoes i posteD?

Hi Kaoticz,
Let me quote you a price. Go to www.hawkathletic.com and go to Weightlifting Shoes page. Then go to the contacts page and give me your e-mail and I’ll send you pictures of 2 other styles of shoes you can get from me. If anyone else is also interested they can do the same. After you decide on a shoe I’ll calculate shipping for you. I’m pretty sure I can get you a shoe worn by world class lifters for a better price than $170AUD.