Unless we are competing. Then, we smell like Pam.
They made the mods bring back the Over 35 Lifter forum.
'Nuff said!
[quote]BF Bullpup wrote:
They made the mods bring back the Over 35 Lifter forum.
'Nuff said![/quote]
They brought back the Over 35 Lifter forum so they could keep an eye on us. It’s the T-Nation Nursing Home. LOL
Pam?..Nah, I use Ben-Gay…keeps the kids away…
What about the benefits?
If you have kids in the house, you get to say, “Because I said so.”
People don’t automatically assume you’re ingnorant or stupid because of your age.
You get discounts on car insurance, because the insurance company believes you’re “done with that silliness” as well.
You don’t have to keep one hand on your ID the entire time you’re in a busy bar.
You just start learning about so many things like cholesterol and stuff.
You finally can enjoy giving the ‘I told you’ line to someone after his bad fall.
You find out what your prostate is.
You get to go to the chiropractors.
Eating rabbit food suddenly becomes a neccessity.
Passing wind and getting away with it!
All I can say is they bring a lot of positives to the plate too. And all you ding dongs will be right there with em some day, so give em a break.
They do possess a great deal of wisdom and patience, and hey, they took care of someone for a big part of their life don't forget..
Yehaww, they fuckin rock you young bitches that want to whine all day and night about them.
p.s. did anyone mention the drooling yet? lol.
[quote]InTheZone wrote:
All I can say is they bring a lot of positives to the plate too.
Yehaww, they fuckin rock you young bitches that want to whine all day and night about them.
Yup. And keep these “old geezers” in mind if anyone here really does feel this way about the elderly.
I have read every post in this thread. I have laughed a lot and reflected a lot on age and how it relates to our sport.
For me, age has played an interesting part in how I have evolved in the sport of bodybuilding. Before I began training for my first competition, four years ago, my circle of friends were mostly my age or close to my age. I played a little golf, did a little fishing, went out to dinner and spent time with “my crowd.”
Then, I started a diet and training regimen that led me to the stage for the first time, at 61. From that time on, my friends changed. I had different interests and no longer was satisfied just hanging out with the same “old” guys.
I started hanging out with gym rats, who, for the most part, were a lot younger than me. As I become more successful in my competitions, many younger guys began seeking me out for advice and small talk about competing.
Now, 20 shows later, and with a high level of success, my friends cross all age boundaries and career paths.
My best friend is a 40 year old Pro. We are driving from Alabama to Virginia to compete against each other at a show this weekend (we are both entered in the Open Men’s Lightweight Class). Another friend is 66 years old. We have met on stage four times and I have bested him each time. Yet, when I travel to Atlanta, I am always his house guest.
I have an Internet based Personal Training company. My clients are 28, 40, 32, 60, 66, 24 and 50, plus a few more. My former training partner was a 28 year old policeman. I trained him for his first contest for 10 months.
I am married and have two college-age daughters. I also have several female bodybuilders, fitness and figure competitors, who are close friends. I exchange emails and phone calls with them nearly every day. My wife knows…they are friends, not sexual partners.
I am a mod on four boards. I get lots of questions from young athletes, who respect me for my accomplishments and don’t sweat it that I am old enough to be their grandfather.
So, for me, the fact I am a very successful Master Professional bodybuilder and Certified Personal Trainer, has erased the fact that in one year, I will be old enough to be on MediCare.
[quote]derek wrote:
InTheZone wrote:
All I can say is they bring a lot of positives to the plate too.
Yehaww, they fuckin rock you young bitches that want to whine all day and night about them.
Yup. And keep these “old geezers” in mind if anyone here really does feel this way about the elderly.
For those off you who don’t know, that’s General Dwight David Eisenhower, Commanding General of all Allied Forces in the European Theatre in WWII, addressing the troops of the 82nd Airborne Division on the eve of the landings in Normandy…D Day…June 6th…1944. I was one years old.
You know, people are people, and ya got losers and heros in every generation, but it's sad to see how many jerkoffs there are in society now. Assholes carjackin and killin decent folk for nothin but a few dollars or your car etc.
I've lost three close friends to fuckin young punks in the last 7 years murdered in cold blood. One for a rolex watch, one for a grand total of 40 dollars, and one for three hundred as he drove to work in the wee hours of the morning after he got done working out. All three had families. that generation pictured had a hell of a lot more integrity and decency than you see these days...
I just try to be as decent to folks as I can, but I'll tell ya, some fuck ever tries to put a gun to me or my daughter, or the wifes head, I'm taking that gun and puttin at least three to four rounds in his fuckin head, period.
Self defense. Nobodys gonna hurt my family. Not while I'm there...
nite guys, keep lifting strong. ToneBone
[quote]InTheZone wrote:
You know, people are people, and ya got losers and heros in every generation, but it's sad to see how many jerkoffs there are in society now. Assholes carjackin and killin decent folk for nothin but a few dollars or your car etc.
I've lost three close friends to fuckin young punks in the last 7 years murdered in cold blood. One for a rolex watch, one for a grand total of 40 dollars, and one for three hundred as he drove to work in the wee hours of the morning after he got done working out. All three had families. that generation pictured had a hell of a lot more integrity and decency than you see these days...
I just try to be as decent to folks as I can, but I'll tell ya, some fuck ever tries to put a gun to me or my daughter, or the wifes head, I'm taking that gun and puttin at least three to four rounds in his fuckin head, period.
Self defense. Nobodys gonna hurt my family. Not while I'm there...
nite guys, keep lifting strong. ToneBone[/quote]
I don’t think age has any bearing on the desire to protect our family.
No I know that, I was referring to the connection that people who are old now, didn't behave when they were young, like the kids now do. Hell who knows what the kids from this generations parents will be like...
There just seem to be more “kids” having kids now, and a lot of em split up, and transfer their bad habits, and low morals to the little ones. I think this is more prevalent in todays society with all the media emphasis on sex and violence…
That's all I'm sayin in reference to age, different time, different product of society.
have a great Sunday all,
The best part of being old is starting threads that piss off young folks like Professor X — like ‘The Real Victims of Katrina’ or ‘Why Drive over 80 MPH?’
I admit I love to piss off young libs and their basic assumptions. I love being an old troll.
God Bless You, Professor!!
[quote]InTheZone wrote:
No I know that, I was referring to the connection that people who are old now, didn't behave when they were young, like the kids now do. Hell who knows what the kids from this generations parents will be like...
There just seem to be more “kids” having kids now, and a lot of em split up, and transfer their bad habits, and low morals to the little ones. I think this is more prevalent in todays society with all the media emphasis on sex and violence…
That's all I'm sayin in reference to age, different time, different product of society.
have a great Sunday all,
This is true. Altruism placed a value on ‘need’ and absence of character. It teaches that you destroy the strong and intelligent for the benefit of the lazy and stupid. Therefore each generation adopting this anti-morality is at a lower stage of dissolution.
Eventually, a dictatorship is required to keep the animals from tearing everything apart. Which is where we’re headed…
[quote]derek wrote:
Question; What do old people smell like?
Answer; Depends…[/quote]
…on what they ate for lunch; I swear old guys just fart anywhere, anytime and anyplace, as if it’s no biggie…even if a big mushroom cloud appears they act like nothing happened, wtf? In the car, on an elevator, waiting in a long-ass line, at the gym…sorry but these are places you just don’t drop ass.
I’m 39, so I can bitch about it.
Do you think T-Nation and MWA member Mandy Polk likes old guys?
Damn whipper-snappers-- get off my lawn!
You young people need to stop playing around on the internet and get back to work. Our social security is depending on it. In fact, you might consider getting a second job. We need the money.