You ain’t seen nothing yet! I am old. Take it from someone in their mid-40’s, with three teens, that big mortgage, credit card debit, and all the other evils of middle-age…you want this to happen.
Hard to believe. Not really. While I have only recently discovered this great site, I’ve been a life long student of health and fitness. Not a saint, nor perfect, but always aware of the important relationship between the mind and body. If the body is strong and healthy the mind usually follows. For all the times when stress, depression, indecision, or any of the noise that we all face in this journey through life, begin to rise to uncomfortable levels, returning to gym and hitting it hard reminds me of what’s important. It centers and brings clarity, it’s simple and focused, and almost spiritual.
While that may be a little heavy for a lot you it, I believe it defines the subtle change that will occur as you go from your 20’s to your 40’s to your 60’s.
I’m not saying that body image isn’t an admirable goal. Vanity is a part of what drives any of us in the sport of bodybuilding. As a matter of fact, if wasn’t for the grey hair-that started in my twenties, but has been greatly accelerated by teenagers-I could easily be confused with someone in their mid-thirties. That’s largely due to a consistent focus on the types of things I see on this site i.e. living the T-Nation lifestyle.
As you get older and the recovery times get longer, the joints stiffer, and body just doesn’t seem to respond the way it did at an earlier age–not to worry. In the subtle shift I alluded to earlier, you will see the mental aspects become increaingly important. You will gain wisdom, that only occurs with more years on earth, and will gradually see the noise in your life diminish to a whisper.
You will be you, I’m still 19 at heart, but (and I can believe, I saying this) aging is really a good thing. The key is aging well. By doing what your doing now, and living the T-Nation life-style, you can be confident that when your my age and beyond you’ll be among the very few who have aged well and will seem to all others to be the wisest of all.