I’ve been on here for about 10 years or so, and during that time have developed a pretty good rapport with a lot of fellow T-folk. I’ve also noticed that there are a lot of trainers who live in NY. IN a few of the PMs I’ve gotten, people have asked about the BGs in my pics, commenting on the gym I train at, which got me thinking,… it might be cool to meet up and train with folks you know from on here. I know my training partner and I love going to train at a new facility, and maybe this could be a fun thing.
So this morning I ran my idea by the woman at my gym who handles the membership deals etc, and she gave me the go-ahead to create a FREE PASS TO ANY PEOPLE FROM T-Nation.com who choose to come train at my gym. I told them that most folks wouldn’t be interested in getting actual memberships if they don’t live in the actual vicinity, but they figured it would be good PR.
So if anyone’s interested, I’ll be creating a pass and posting the image on here. THe gym is in Rego Park/Forest Hills (Queens NY), so if you wanna give a show of hands
[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
is that you in the top left? haha nice
thats pretty badass you got enough NY folk round here to do that.
Lol, yeah, that’s me. I swiped that banner piece from the Gym’s web site, and they had some professional photogs shooting for the site whne I just happened to be training about a year ago. Kinda cool in a weird sort of way (although they do give me a total hookup with my membership rate b/c of it, so I’m okay with it)
Well, I’m hoping there’s enough in the actual area. NY’s pretty darned big, and as much as I love checking out a new gym, I certainly couldn’t see myself driving 5 hours to BUffalo just to squat with fellow t-folk