i would just like to mention that even though i spent years pumping iron in the same gym as bodybuilding greats such as paul demayo and mike matarazzo(world gym somerville,ma)through the 90’s and established a great natural foundation.I am not impressed with the gains i made then compared to the past seven months now training using diets and principles i discovered by being a t-man and reading the articles and forums.All through the 90’s i was so caught up with following the weider training principles in flex magazine and trying to drink mega mass 2000 weight gainer, when all that did was make flab on my stomach.I used to think that if dorian yates and lee labrada only needed 4 sets for a total back workout with 15 reps per set then that was probably good for me. and it really did not do much for me compared to the 5x5 routines i do now training as heavy as possible. i also used to try these walking routines on the treadmill that these guys claimed made them ripped for contests when now my body fat is at its lowest since i do the interval training routines that i learned of t-mag…for heavens sake i am the strongest and look the best i ever have thanks to thibaudeau and i dont even know the guy??? i have completely managed to cut out simple and refined sugars from my diet and i am keeping a defined appearance even though i may cheat with some sat.fats from time to time.
I am not knocking the progress you have made because I think it is great that you are reaching your goals, whatever they are. However, you can’t blame FLEX magazine for the fact that you were listening to pro bodybuilders (or editors writing as if they are pro bodybuilders). Most people in the gym will not make the same progress as someone else who is genetically gifted as far as gaining muscle. Some of the largest bodybuilders are the worst people to learn bodybuilding from. That may sound hypocritical to some people, but I would rather listen to someone who started off small and got big than someone who was HUGE as a kid and simply got bigger. Mike Mattarazo would be the worst person to get calf training advice from. This guy had calves the size of beach balls as a kid. My arms grow pretty fast. Because of that, you may not grow from doing exactly what I do in the gym. Sure, they had to work hard to get quite that big, but what they did probably wouldn’t work exactly the same for everyone else. Again, I am glad you found something that worked, but I hope most people don’t look to FLEX for the latest exercise routines. I always bought the mag growing up for the inspiration. I don’t even buy it anymore because any truth it may have once had has long since been overshadowed by the extreme drug use and primped photographs. I got something valuable from it from about 1987 up until about '93. After that, it was all bullshit.
Stand in line. I stopped reading FLEX years ago. Thank god I found T-mag. I didn’t make any real progress until I got my diet in order.
Who IS happy w/ flax mag? LOL
“Not happy with reading Flex”
Gee, that’s a shocker.
One of the best things that ever happened to my training was to stop buying the bb rags. a few years ago i switched from catologs like flex to plusa, which was an improvement. i got those month after month and i realized that i was really only seriously reading the westside stuff. well all that is on line, and then i found t-mag-and i have never bought another magazine.
There’s nothing wrong with roided-up freaks in Daisy Dukes and sun glasses.
Maybe you should ask Flex what to do about your tendinitis.
Shit, Goldie, even if they printed an answer he’d be too lazy to read it.
What a putz.