There aren’t any dip belts in my school gym. I’ve been throwing 25’s in my backpack and doing sets like that, but it’s kind of tearing apart my bag. I’m going to be ordering one online sooner or later, but until then, what do you guys do when you don’t have access to a dip belt?
I have had to resort to a smaller rope and then just tie it around a 25 or whatever weight you need and put it around you waist just like the Dip belt.
I did this when I was lifting at home awhile back. It works ok and should get the job done.
It will be nice to see if anyone else has come up with any other ideas.
bend your knees 90* and cross your legs at the ankles once you get into position, and have someone wedge a dumbell vertically where your legs cross at the ankles. The head of the db should prevent it from slipping.
What I do is I take a regular lifting belt and a small piece of chain with a hook at the end, loop it under my belt and then loop the chain on the hole of the plate/s like you would a regular dip belt. If you don’t have a hook at the end of the chain, you can use a padlock. Works very well.
I purchased a couple feet of chain and a carabiner and then used an old weight belt (leather). That became my dip belt. You probably have some weight belts lying around the school gym that you could use.
For me, that works better than the dumbell idea. Although, that is still a good one.
I took a plastic coated steel cable and put clamps on both ends. Feed the cable through the weights and attach it to a standard lifting belt by clipping it on the buckle with a carabiner. All the parts are from home depot for about 5 bucks
I like the ideas I’m seeing, but it’s really not any more practical at college to get a length of chain than to just order a belt online. Also, I was trying the dumbbell between my legs but it got unmanageable pretty quickly after I was able to add more than 50 or so pounds.
I just wrap my ankles around a dumbbell, it gets to a point where the weight is to heavy though.
Just buy one.
I got mine for under $25.
If you absolutley can’t afford it, try using just a rope, wrap it around your waist, then through a weight or dumbbell.
It won’t be as comfortable, but it’ll work.
well, considering youve tried stuffing plates in your backpack, dumbell between the legs, and dont want to make a jerry rigged belt, theres not much left out there my man. only other option is to have some slut piggyback while you do dips.
I had been using DBs, but I got a dip belt over the weekend. It was the best thing I could’ve done, honestly. SWR is right, just suck it up and buy your own.
As someone else mentioned, you can get a dip belt for about $25 delivered to your door. I use this one and it cost $26.19 shipped:
I’ve had it for about two years with up to 150lbs hanging on it with no problems.
You could put the weights in your back pack. This is pretty cheap, and it gives you a different stimulation during the exercise. CP talks about this in his latest artical.
Good luck
Never thought of that.
Honestly though, the second sentence of the goddamn post.
I’m ordering this dip belt:
I’ll let you all know how I like it in case anyone is interested.
Holding the DB between crossed ankles I’ve found to be the best alternative for me. I travel a lot and it is the only reasonable alternative. Feels strange at first but you build up to it really quick. Started at the 60s and got up to the 90s in a few weeks. At that amount you may start getting a little irritation and bleeding but I don’t care.
My home gym has a few chain belts but I resort to the DB method at times since the load feels different. I’ve found the chain belt method to be easier than the DB method IMHO.