First, allow us to apologize for posting this on the T/N board, but it will receive more traffic here. Now, down to business:
The NY area seems to be teeming with T-Men, and it's about time we got together. I won't discuss the details too much on the forum, but we have in the works something that could and would be a great experience for all of us.
Monkeyboy and I have spoken with Shugs, and we've received a bit of a go-ahead. So, what we need to do that is firmly establish direct contact. To do that, please e-mail Chris ( and let him know that you are in the NY/NJ/LI etc area, and ask him to forward your e-mail address to myself and Eric. (Please note that Chris said he does not have time to play go-between with everyone, only for the NY T-men concerning this event. In the future, he said that T-mag hopes to have a way to allow e-mail exchange between pack members without compromising privacy.)
I am IN fellas! Let me know the time and place. Are we going for a workout, drinks and ladies, or to bust some skulls?! I’m in for any of the above I e-mailed Shugs. I hope to hear from you guys soon!! Lataz
We've got a great idea about what we're going to do, but I don't want to disclose too many details over the forum until we have some of the definites worked out.
Eric and I will be in touch with everyone who has responded so far, just to let you know we've got your address, and let you know our tentative plans. If you could, when you respond to us, please include both your forum handle, and as much of your real name as you're willing to give us.
Once we have about 20 or so people on the list, we will send out a mass e-mail disclosing all details, etc.
As to T-Mag's involvement; I can only say that it is a possibility. However, the more people we have, the greater the chance that will happen; so get everyone on this, guys!
Things are going very well, this is definitely going to happen. The more people we have (as in definite RSVPs) the bigger and better this will be.
Oh, a little p.s. Chris will not be able to forward us some stuff until Monday, so if you do not get an e-mail from myself or Eric this weekend, don't worry. However, a post letting us know you responded is great. It'll keep this thread bumped. Thanks again.
I, too, am in. To ease the burden on Chris, you can email me at the address at the bottom of my article at, and I’ll forward your message to JR and MBE. Here’s the link:
Just a note to the NY people. If you haven’t sent your email to Chris, please do so. I’ll have an email list with all who have repsonded thus far completed when I get Chris’ email some time tomorrow. At that point, you will all be updated. I’ll speak to you soon.
I sent out a mass email earlier today. If you sent Chris your email address and haven’t heard from me, please ask Chris to place us in touch. Thanks =)