Possible Summer Seminar

I need some quick feedback. I’ve been asked to do a seminar in the Boston area sometime this summer. I haven’t decided if I’m going to do it yet or not. Any T-people in the Boston area interested in coming to hear me babble about diet, training, supplementation, food logs, breaking down barriers, and all kinds of other stuff? I appreciate any feedback.

Do one in the SF Bay Area.

I’m there.

Chuck Bailey

NGA Promoter/Competitor

How about a trip to Sam Adams Boston Brewery while we’re at it?

Chris, just you?

I’d be interested.

fe- Just me. This isn’t an offical T-mag “No Holds Barred” seminar, just something I may do. However, I mentioned this to TC and he said that T-mag and Biotest would hook us up with some free T-shirts, mags, and sample supplements for all attendees.

i’d go. As long as it didn’t cost no 1500 bucks. The dave tate/westside seminar cost me around 200 and it was well worth it. Make sure you taught some advanced stuff we couldn’t learn from the website, as well as some funny stories, and talk some shit about famous people that they won’t print here. Count me in!

As long as it’s not a $100 to listen in, go for it!

Chris: I just got e-mail from Ian regarding his seminars in July - I think one was in Boston, and the other was in LA…perhaps you can team up with him (it’s a one day “get buffed”) seminar for him, perhaps you can make it a second day, or later that night?


How about the LA area? I’ll definitely go for that! I’ll even drag my ol’ man!

Chris-I’m there, and I know a lot of my fellow trainers will go too.

Sounds good Chris. I’ll be there. Bring those Gang O Babes girls with you too!

Hell yeah, I’ll be in CT for the summer but a drive up to boston isn’t that far away. Over $100 bucks is out of the question though. I’m supposed to be paying for college this summer.

Boston in the summer time? Hot and Humid

I am in AZ (Flagstaff, not so hot) Do it on the West Coast or CO and I am there.


Chris, I’d be somewhat interested. I live in the Philadelphia area, but a 6 hour trip would be alright if the seminar was cheap and a bunch of T-Mag staff was there.

Chris, I have been wanting to hit up a seminar for a while now. The problem is I live in TN, and nothing has come close to me in a while. What’s the deal, afraid your BF% will jump through the roof by simply smelling the lard enriched “Country Cookin.” I would be all for travelling to one of your seminars but can’t convince any of my friends to attend with me. Let me know if you ever make it to the “dirty south.”

The seminar sounds like a great idea. Any chance that these T-seminars can help fulfill CECs for personal trainers like myself (ACE certified, don’t laugh… okay laugh, I did after I finished that test).

Hey im in Washington DC but i travel up to New York and Boston atleast once a month so let me know if the timing and price is right i might bring so buddy up with me!! Ill coax them with the Sam Adams beer thing even thou i dont drink!!!

If your ever going to do one in cali, oregon, washington let me know. I’ll make a trip out of it.