New to Training, Need Advice

Hey all.

I’m relatively new to body training. As such, I’d like to learn more so I can go about it in the most effective and efficient way possible.

My goal is first hypertrophy. Once my physique is of a desirable size, or once I reach my size cap (whichever comes first), I want to tone and harden the muscular “fluff” I’ve created.

Also, I am an ectomorph and have never been fat due to my high metabolism. However, as most of you people surely know, this makes gaining muscle mass more difficult. I’m not complaining, though, ‘cause being free of concern for getting fat is pretty freakin’ great. Nevertheless, I’m out to gain size, weight, strength, and tone.

Since my body obliterates fat, I went ahead and got a big cylinder of protein powder, which is actually pretty tasty. I was wondering what you guys think of that stuff and what the consumption rate is supposed to be for someone with a high metabolism. Everyday? Every workout day? Every non-workout day? Diet is important, so aside from protein, any suggestions?

As for hypertrophy, I’ve never read on a subject with more conflicting information. I’ve heard three sets are best with repetition failure preferrably occurring around eight, nine, or ten. Then again, I’ve also heard four or more sets are optimal, failing at ten-plus reps. What to believe, what to believe…

About aerobic exercise, is it a detriment to hypertrophy? Cardio is good, they say, don’t cut it out. Cardio hurts muscle gain, they say, best to avoid it for now. That’s annoying. What’s true, here?

Because most bodybuilders are mesomorphs (understandably so, since they’re encouraged by the quicker results), most bodybuilding articles target that body type. I’m looking for MY most efficient and effective path, not someone with a different physical makeup from myself. Reference material for ectomorph-specific workouts is slim. I’d be grateful for any links or advice on this.

Last, I have some questions about terminology, bodybuilding vocabulary, such as “reverse curl,” “row,” or “skull crusher.” None of that means anything to me so when workouts articles use that stuff without providing a link to a term glossary, reading it is a waste of my time. I’ve look around but couldn’t find any list telling me what’s up. Anybody know of one?

Any responses will be appreciated. This is my first time posting here (though I’ve perused the site for about a month now), so I don’t know what the T-Nation community is like.


You need to read a lot more. The 3 sets to failure is complete bullshit. Thankfully, you came to a good place.

For beginners, I’d suggest Waterbury’s TTT and eating a lot (maybe Berardi’s massive eating). Use the search tool to find the articles. After you get started start reading articles here regularly. You’ve found a great place to start your training, most of us dabbled in a lot of useless shit for years before finding this highly professional resource, so make good use of it. has a nice list of exercises

Best of luck! Keep us updated on your progress.

Go to the beginners forum.

One thing I will give you “advices” on is there is no such thing as “fluf” of “bulk”. There is only fat and muscle. If you are an ectomorph then you need not worry about refining anything anytime soon. It is going to take some time for you gain some muscle bro.

Pick out a beginner workout and try to find videos of the exercises on the internet. I would pick a routine from an author who has achieved some muscle himself.

Go to the beginners forum.

One thing I will give you “advices” on is there is no such thing as “fluf” of “bulk”. There is only fat and muscle. If you are an ectomorph then you need not worry about refining anything anytime soon. It is going to take some time for you gain some muscle bro.

Pick out a beginner workout and try to find videos of the exercises on the internet. I would pick a routine from an author who has achieved some muscle himself.

And pick a good diet. Protein powder should come after your first purposefull trip to the grocery