I’m a college student who has been training with traditional bodybuilding methods with good results. However I would like to add some olympic style powerlifting movements to increase my performance in sports. I don’t know anyone who can teach me these lifts. Does anyone have any suggestions of how I should go about mastering these lifts? Thanks a lot.
For powerlifting, I would say read everything you can over at elitefts regarding the performance of the lifts. Dave Tate has also written several great articles for this site describing proper technique for the three powerlifts. I’m not really sure where you can get info on olympic lifting.
The one thing that I would remember is that while you can learn a lot reading, there is no substitute for someone watching and critiquing your form. Especially on movements like the three power lifts that initially seem quite simple but are really oh so complicated and difficult to get right.
There is no such thing as olympic style powerlifting. I think you are referring to the Olympic lifts. correct me if im wrong.
These two guys are right, if your intrested in powerlifting thats a totally different thing compared to Oylmpic lifting. As far as getting in shape for a sport in college, i would think that your strength coach should know everything about lifts like that…but then again, strenght coaches at…nevermind haha