just found this site. AWESOME! exactly what ive been looking for. i will try to be brief but its probably not gonna happen.
i am 26 years old. 6’1", 200lbs. around 7% body fat. ive been training seriosly for about 3 years. 3 years ago i weighed 165 (same body fat).
i just finished a 6 week phase of 10 of 10 , db bench(finished with 85s),deads(365),pullups(body weight +30lb dumbell on chain belt),1 arm press(barbell, 75 lbs). i lifted mon wed fri and supersetted my chest and back. i always do my cardio as sprint work, around 80% intensity. i do this on my off days as well . usually 10 30yd sprints. some tell me im going to overtrain with the sprints but it really helps with soreness and keeping me limber.
my maxes on lifts that i care about are:
sumo-deads(i have limited rotation in my left ankle and have to do sumos to prevent my heel from lifting of the floor)
*so, sumo deads- i did 3 sets of 3 with 475, tried 505 after that but was too beat to pull through it.
- pull-ups(shoulder width, no stretch at the bottom, but full range of motion 3-1-3 tempo): i easily do 25 reps with my body weight but usually go heavy. i just did 3 sets of 3 with a 100lb dumbell on the chain belt.
- hang-cleans(not really happy with my technique but its not terrible) 3 sets of 3 with 215
- 1 arm press(barbell) 3 of 3 with 95lbs
*bench: maybe 315 (my best is 375) but i dont really care for flat bench much these days. - straight bar curl (never do em in my work out , just test occasionally): 3 of 3 170
squats: a year ago i squatted 400 to parrallel but quit doing them when i discovered deads. tried doing 275 3sets of 6 2wks ago and my lower back(didnt feel my legs at all) is still suffering. dont know if i want to figure them out again or not…
i never go to failure on any thing;just quit when my form starts to break or maybe 1-2 reps before.
after experimenting i have found that i like to go 6wks or so on something high volume 60-75% 1rm with basic lifts. after volume phase i like to do total body workout which usually goes something like.
sprint work warm up
all exercizes (if appropriate) go: warm up with maybe 2-3 sets of 20-30 VERY LIGHT weight, a static hold to failure of some sort,pyramid up quickly with 1-3 sets (1-2 reps) of “get use to it weight” then first work set 2-5 reps heavy as i can,set 2 same weight but 10% less, set 3 same again and reduce weight by another 10%, maybe drop a (130%ish) negative or 2 then on to next lift.
so :sprint,hangcleans,sumo deads,1 arm press, pull ups.
every workout i have been alternating 1 arm press with bench. i change grip spacing and position (pron. sup. neutral) as i feel like it. i also throw in leg curls and core work as i feel like it (1 a week or so). i will sometimes up the volume(5 of 5 or 8 of 3) on ONE of my body parts .
i like simplicity and real-life applicability in my lifting. not really into skull crushers, bicep curls,side laterals etc. i like working my neck and core. stability drills and plyometric training on off days.
i track my lifts and if they are not up on the next work out i usually eat more, sleep more and rest more. i will also do very light training if i am sore or not recovering very fast(like to be in the weight room). sometimes i feel ready in 3 days , sometimes its taken 10.
any one still reading:)
my diet is of course the most difficult part of my training. i have been getting around200-250gms protein(80gms from whey , alot from milk the rest from beef) around 300gms of carbs and 150gms of fat. usually around 3000-4000cal/day(obviously the macro’s are different on the higher cal days).
i am always feeling like i need to be getting like a 1000 cal a day more. what do you guys think. god! thats a lot to eat! i can add a lot of fat(olive or canola oil) to my whey/oatmeal shakes but then they take FOREVER to digest. i hate that feeling . i havent got to explore the website much so i may answer some of my own questions tonight but in the meantime perhaps someone can point me in the right direction.
i am looking for training and diet suggestions that fit within the parameters i have preference to.
all ways open to new ideas!
where can i find those dead lift articles by king and the other fellows?
thanks guys,
oh yeah, no supplement other than a ton of vit and fish oil. i tried the super blah blah blah stack by impact/jeff summers and am returning for a refund (600$!). i didnt gain anything in the first month other than what i would have expected with my traing/diet alone. dont call me an idiot either, i know their sellin something but i dont care if they send me free green, fuzzy pipe-cleaners with there crap, if i gained 25lbs its worth the sunshine up my ass. of course, it didnt do anything though. ok , im done. thanks again.