Hey folks. Thought I’d start another Fat Fast thread as I know there’s a few of you guys out there sharing the wonderful pain and torment of not eating carbs… It’s day 3 for me now. Meltdown training is going well, I’m feeling good although maybe a little lethargic, but overall quite positive. Starting to see ‘small’ results already. Today’s gunna be a tester though, out of the house for 14 odd hours! Other FFers, share your progress…
Day 4 for me. Although I can’t have lost too much fat, I feel much leaner - probably water. I’ve given up weighing myself and the mirror and how I feel are now the most important tools I use in measurement. 1000 to 1100 whole food protein-fat cals is quite a stretch without anything for appetite suppression or craving control. The Methoxy-7 holds onto the muscle, so that is a plus. I’ve gotta work a rather long shift until 3:00am on Saturday. I am unsure whether I should ditch the FF so I can simply get through work! It is likely, because I don’t know how much of a difference two days would make anyway? (given I was planning on going a more Don’t Diet style route on Monday). One of the main reasons I like this is because I actually feel like I’m on a diet - morbid and crazy, I know, but Don’t Diet is painless and easy, and every now and again I’m needing to feel some pain
Day 1 - Ive done this once before and for some reason I
m doing it again?!? I guess it was the results I got the first time. Big Bruva - test yourself and stick with it even on the 3am shift, youll be glad you did afterwords - and besides you
ll be sticking with what you planned which is very important. I have a question for you guys - what kind of training are you doing? I have no access to a gym at the moment - what do you suggest I do for training? Damn I`m hungry.
Big Bruva, you asked about my results. Check out my thread entitled ‘glucose tolerance test results’. I have laid out my regime and results there. My criteria for success may have been slightly different to yours in that I had been out of the gym for a while beforehand and had shrunk considerably. Intuitively, I would have jumped straight back into a mass cycle, but following JB’s advice I decided to cut up first. At this relatively low level of musculature, I was not too concerned about some muscle loss because the regains will be very easy. If I had been carrying more mass prior to starting then I would have protected that muscle mass and not been so aggressive with dieting. I’m now much thinner in the face, and it is impossible not to notice the change. I really rate thyroid support, particularly if attempting to go for more than two weeks. I admire your training intentions guys, but it will be hard going. Do what you can. It is very likely that you will lose some strength during the diet. Don’t feel bad about this. I wouldn’t even bother recording poundages etc. BB I wouldn’t drop out of ketosis if I were you. In my experience it is when your body makes the transition to using ketones for fuel that you feel at your worst. Did you notice feeling particularly bad on day three? If you have any questions I’d be glad to help.
Day 1 for me gentleman! I’m doing 1200 cals a day with AP and some essential fatty acid blend. Supps are nandosol(70x1 per day, I’ve been saving this stuff for some time!), new md6, old T2 and surge every third day after tougher workouts. I’m not sure if I should cut out the surge though. Any comments anyone! Good luck to everyone else who is insane like us!-Peepers
I’m only training about 3 times per week and I’m not pushing it too hard at all. I don’t feel comfortable doing cardio on a keto diet, so its got no place in my program at the moment. Thanks for the motivation to push through the long shift - I might as well torture myself like I planned. No cheating come Monday - carbs and Don’t Diet will be a reward by themselves!
End of day 3. I’m a space-cadet. I think my brain has realised it’s got no chance of any decent amount of glucose to run on, so it’s kinda shutting down a little. Plus my muscles are screwed, I’ve got no strength. Well, that’s not true. It’s there if I need it, but it takes a fair dose of willpower to get them moving initially. Interestingly enough, I’m getting a few brief periods of euphoria… [shrug] Stayed strong today, even though out and about for 14 hours odd. I’ve got no temptations… yet! [grin] I’m definitely deflating though. Dunno about body weights ‘n stuff, I’ll check tomorrow. BB - keep goin’ with the FF. It’ll pay off. The way I see it, we may lose a bit more muscle than we planned, but our bodies remember, we’ll get it back without the fat in short order. cl - I’m doing Meltdown training for starters. Check out the article a few issues back. Just take the training variables from it and plug in your own exercises. You can already do half of them or more that are listed in the article.
OK, something weird is happening… when I’m bulking, I know when my natural T levels are high 'cos I get a little more aggresive and blunt, the few stretch marks I have get red-er(sp) and more pronounced, and my acne flares up. Now I’m on the FF and Meltdown training, and my acne has blown up, along with my stretch marks getting HEAPS red-er! Aggression is up and down (the ECA stack has a lot to do with this), although my sex drive is at an absolute ZERO! The thought of sex right now is just repulsive… [shrug] Anyway, this leads me to think that maybe my body’s jacking up my T-levels to compensate for all the shit I’m putting it through. Or perhaps it’s the Tribulus I’ve been shovelling into my system. Either way, it seems something positive is going on.
Im in the same boat as Bloatbag Stu was. I have been out of the gym for some time and have shrunk a ton - I
m just ripping up before I start a mass cycle that will last for 12 weeks, followed by another period of fat loss (although likely not fat fast). As a result my training at the moment is rather relaxed - as for you Mark-AUS, from what I hear Meltdown is hard enough while being on a normal diet - I feel down right sorry for you doing fat fast and meltdown at the same time, actually I admire your courage. Good Luck to all.
Ok I’ll fess up - this is my 4th day of the FF. My diet and training had gone to heck for a while and I have to lose some fat quick to fit into all my nice new work dresses. For me though, this diet will be tough, but coming off it correctly will be harder. I am determined not to eat junk food right after, but slowly work my way back into carbs and calories so I don’t blow up like last time. Nothing worse than reaching your bodyfat goals just to see them dissappear as quickly as they came. Wish me luck guys, I’m in on this with you.
I’ll be paying close attention to this thread as I’ll be undertaking the Fast fast diet November 1st. As a matter of fact we’ll be having a “Fat Fast” challenge at Renegade Nutrition.com the month of November to see who can get the most impressive results. I’m looking forward to hearing from all Renegades on this - especially our Canadian brothers and sisters.
Hey there Chris - I am one of those Canadian Brothers that you speak of and I gotta say - I love your site. I have ordered from you many times and in my personal opinion you are the best place for Canadians to get their supplement fix. Too bad that I`m doing fat fast right now, or I would have participated in your little challenge - all my supps will be used up by then. Keep up the good work at renegadenutrition.com
Thanks for starting this thread–it’s good to hear what others are doing. Makes it a little easier.
I’m in day 10…it’s not as bad as I thought it would be, but I’m still hungry. The first three days were awful–I was afraid to drive, being so spacy and out of it–but I feel almost normal now. I’m eating 1100 calories a day, shake+flax oil five times daily, with the occasional turkey with salad dressing for variety. I’m taking methoxy and md6 (five a day).
Question: Can I take T2 with md6? Anyone had good experience with this?
I’ve lost about ten pounds so far, but a lot of water, and I started a bit bloated–right off a week’s vacation.
I’ve been doing the bowlful of jelly workout, and no cardio–I thought I would do cardio, but just don’t feel up to it. I’ve been sleeping a little more, too.
Hey there all - I have some good info for everyone about coming off of Fat Fast. The last time I did this diet about a year ago Bill Roberts gave me some good info about how to avoid rebound. Search for the author Moe
(that was me a year ago) and choose the tread with the title After Fat Fast
. Bill lays out some specific recomendations to avoid rebound and to keep from losing all the gains
made with fat fast - and this time I will not be eating any fish and chips - you`ll know what I mean if you read the post.
Cunning linguist brings up a good point about the dreaded rebound effect. Immediately post fat fast my glucose tolerance was very poor, this seems to be a facet of keto diets, and coupled with the psychological urge to eat everything in sight afterwards this can be a danger. I suggest that the T-crew read JB’s post keto recommendations. John reckons that his supplementation regime will get my GT back in order, and the theory looks promising. I’ll report back. BTW Cunning Linguist, I own a fish and chip operation in UK. You’d be in heaven.
Mark_AUS - What supplements are you using to prevent catabolism?
I’m an Aussie as well, so obviously Androsol isn’t an option and at $80+ a bottle, Methoxy7 is pretty damn expensive. I was thinking of using Tribex (or Ironpower’s Androstack) and Vitex to try to keep T levels way up.
Day 5 now. I’m a mess. I had a massive training session yesterday evening as part of my course work. Both max and sub-max training at huge intensities. Not a good idea, but it had to be done.
Stu - Day 3 was the worst, but right now I’m really suffering too. I just had a hot bath with oils and the like, and my body seems to have shut-down. I don’t want to get off this diet before my planned Monday finish, but I also don’t want to keep suffering. Sure that sounds weak, but how much of a difference is two days going to make?
Ironbabe - good luck with coming off the diet. Make yourself a plan that you will follow like a letter once you're done. I have done the same thing, and am ready to hop on a pre-planned modified Don't Diet as soon as I've had enough of this. No pizza and McDonalds en masse on the same day, this time around!!!
Mark - from what others have said about meltdown training, it appears that you are slightly insane, but good luck to you. I’m sure 1000 extra cals make a difference though? My sex drive hasn’t changed - always an animal am I =)
Urrhhh… just ate 400grams of bacon… think I’m gunna chuck… Meltdown training today was tough. My muscular endurance is ratshit, although strength was surprisingly good. Recovery is woeful. I was jacked up on an ECA stack (*2) all day though. I’m not really changing too much, even though it’s the end of day four. I’ve deflated a little, perhaps a tiny bit leaner (negligible), but my weight hasn’t really changed. I’m dropping my calories from around 2000 to 1700 odd. Hey MS - I’m using Tribulus (straight with no other ingredients), Creatine (don’t think it’s doing an aweful lot), HMB (only ‘cos it’s mixed with the creatine), and Vanadyl Sulfate (again mixed with the creatine). Oh, also multi-vitamins, vitamin C, an ECA stack, and occasional Pepsi Max. I hope this shit starts working soon, I’m getting a bit pissed off that I’m goin’ through all this shite and not seeing any tangible results. Guess I’ll have to keep altering variables.
I just ate a spicy German sausage - YUM!!!
Mark - drop the calories. Like I said, if you want to Fat Fast you must be close to fasting. 2000 calories is a simple enough diet made a little bit harder by not having any carbs.
Hey Mark-Aus, a little bit of encouragement is in order. Stick with it you will be glad that you did, the results will come just dont get discouraged. One last thing - don
t get me wrong Im not trying to be an asshole - but fat fast is a diet that consists of more like 1300 calories per day - 700 less than you are taking in and I don
t remeber anything about drinking Pepsi. Good luck