New Book On Highland Games

I have published my first book on the Heavy Events in Highland Games.

It might interest anyone with Scottish heritage or an interest in the Heavy Events.

It covers the arrival of the first Scots to Australia and then details the origins of the throwing events. The title says ‘Australia’ but a lot of the information is universal. Famous athletes like Donald Dinnie are covered in detail

I have a cpl things online dedicated to it…

looks great, where is it available?

Where can I purchase a copy? I just went to the Highland games at loon mountain in NH it was awesome.


I have some advance copies for sale (about a dozen left) and the full print run comes in a few weeks.

The advance copies are same quality etc. They just don’t have the ISBN/Barcode on the rear cover.

You can message me on the FB page in my original post.

Advance copies have gone to Dan McKim (USA), Matt Vincent(USA), Matt Sandford(Oz) and Aaron Neighbour(Oz) . All former world champions - if you want an independent opinion of the book. Also Gerry Reynold (on the NASGA forum) has an advance copy.

It would ship from Australia. Selling these advanced copies at cost $25AUD + reduced shipping price to generate interest overseas.

all the best


[quote]hakarlstrong wrote:
Where can I purchase a copy? I just went to the Highland games at loon mountain in NH it was awesome. [/quote]

I think I was the only person for 1000 miles from Loon that didn’t go…Next year I guess. Any chance of an ebook?

I wasn’t planning on an ebook version for a while.

But I will create an ebook of the section on Donald Dinnie shortly.

That will let me see how the ebook format works - and the Dinnie section can exist independently without any drama

Here is a chapter extract from the book. Reformatted as a stand alone amazon dowload
It covers lots of new inforomation from Donald Dinnie’s time in Australia. Including, some controversial comps he competed in, his 3 assault charges, and his weightlifting contest against Prof Miller.

all the best


Managed to make it print-on-demand in Europe and USA to reduce shipping costs.

The contents are here

all the best
