Hello all,
I have been training for around 7 years. Mostly revolving around the Squat/bench/deadlift/press. I have always considered myself “injury prone” as at some point or another in training my back and/or hips flare up with some problems. I have since mpved away from the traditional lifts and mostly SSB or Front Squat. I use the trapbar for DLs etc…
Recently, to no surprise, I am back in the same boat. Taking this week off training to nurse a sore back and hips. Im becoming very frustrated. I feel like I put forth an effort to mobility/flexibility work. I do Limber 11 daily and try to stretch before bed.
I am to a point now where I want to try something more. I have always had the books Super Joints and Flexible Steel which both focus on mobility work and to some degree flexibility work. I always felt these were to in depth for me and didn’t want to commit but I am willing to try anything. Has anyone had any success with these books? Or anything else that had helped them? Its very disheartening to constantly be derailed by these pains. My family has a known history of back issues and I am really hoping to not be on that same path.
My plan is basicslly:
Morning mobility either from SJ or FS (pretty similar). Plan to do this everyday.
Follow that mobility work with this front split progression EASY FRONT SPLIT PROGRAM Part 1 – Flexible Steel
In the evenings I plan to follow this Four Knots program before bed Untying the 4 Knots: Jon Engum's 4 Weeks to Flexible Steel Program - Breaking Muscle
Is this too much? Anyone has other suggestions? I really like the “do this” approach which is why i gravitate towards a spelled-out program.