Well I’ll save you the long ass story. I hurt my back warming up for a deadlift in 2009. Ever since then, I will aggravate it to the point where I can’t lift anything over 20lbs from the floor unless I’m holding onto something. A month later, pain is gone and I’m back to normal again. This month really fucks up my training for almost every body part for that month.
It seems like the eccentric hurts the most. Well I just moved to a new gym that has bumper plates and a lifting pad. Just wondering if anyone else had this experience and found that just dropping the weight at the top kept their back pain away? I love deadlifting, but I hate being hurt.
You need to take a serious approach to improving your mobility. Address all aspects of lower body mobility. Hit your hip flexors and hamstrings and groin etc. Virtually all chronic lower back injuries are propagated by an ongoing imbalance/mobility issue.
Ok thanks. I am not well versed in increasing mobility other than the obvious stretches everyone learns in gym class. Is there some site or book you know of that could help me out a bit? Sorry for noob question haha.
Do you pull conventional or sumo? I have been dealing with back issues as well, and switching to sumo has helped a lot. With conventional (which I love because it feels most natural for me) any time I went to 400 I’d hurt for 2-4 weeks. I have been to 500 with sumo with no issue. I attribute it to a more upright posture, which decreases shear forces on the discs.
[quote]jt339 wrote:
Ok thanks. I am not well versed in increasing mobility other than the obvious stretches everyone learns in gym class. Is there some site or book you know of that could help me out a bit? Sorry for noob question haha.[/quote]
Yeah sure, you can look up DeFranco’s agile 8 or the limber 11 or whatever the hell he’s calling it these days. Look up Kelly Starrett’s information. It doesn’t have to be too complicated though. Just sitting in a squat and pushing your knees out and holding that and doing simple bending at the waist hamstring stretches, and doing what’s known as the couch stretch to really hit your hip flexors will go a long, long way.
@Dr J Hey I’m almost Dr. T! haha. I hate sumo! Conventional does feel more natural to me. However, I will definitely give sumo a go for a little bit with some light weight when I feel 100%. I’d rather pull sumo than not at all.
@csulli Thanks! Have not heard of those before. I will look into them for sure.