Unilateral Nagging Back and Hip Pain

Hey I’ve been having one sided low back pain that is definitely worse when lifting. I injured it with a deadlift several months but it seemed to get better. About 2 months ago I was doing simple sandbag carries with good mechanics and it flared up again. Since then I haven’t had much peace. When working out the pain seems to be low on both sides like severe muscles spasms that won’t allow me to bend over or hip hinge at all. When at rest I have constant R hip pain that’s worse when I sit. I have tried foam rolling and a ton of other stretches twice a day. They relieve the pain for a day or so but it comes right back. I have also notice my R wants to move unbalanced with a simple BW squat and it’s 10 times harder to stretch out. Any ideas on how I can kick it for good or at least make it more manageable to get back to training?