Hey guys, I’m creating a document to provide exercise substitution recommendations for the exercises that you find in “generic” programs that you’d can’t always do where you train.
Any specific recommendations or exercises you’d like me to provide an alternative to?
I used to go to a gym with squat racks but no power rack and regular bench presses. I could never work out a substitute for a board/pin/floor press in this situation.
My thought was leg extensions and leg curls. I’ve tried to use bands and it just feels awkward. I’ve also tried to hold a dumbbell and it doesn’t work great either.
I’m not CT but since lockdown made me work with what I had I thought I’d share a few of my alternative exercises.
I’ve found Landmine belt squats are a decent option.
What I did for these was to hold on to a barbell in a corner /landmine while in a deep squat position, but (me) a bit angled forward. Kind of like a in the bottom position of a lumberjack squat.
The barbell served two purposes: loading and balance.
Have you tried MINI bands? For leg curls at least they weren’t bad, even though I prefer to use an exercise ball.
Well, you can do it by yourself by having safety pins in the bottom. Lower the overloaded bar to the pins. Get out from under the bar, remove some weight, get back under the bar and lift it back up. Add the extra weight again, lower it back down…
Singles are not bad, but doing sets like this is super annoying.