So I am preparing for my 3rd and potentially last cycle. I have made some real significant gains in lean and sustained mass. First cycle was
1-12Test E- 250 twice weekly.
6-12 added 50 Anavar.
Huge gains
Second cycle was
1-8Test E 350 twice weekly
9-12Test E 250 twice weekly
1-6 Dianabol (Don’t even remember dose but whatever standard was recommended)
Now I have a really good bit of hard lean muscle and I am probably around 12 percent body fat.
I want to do one more cycle (cutting). I want to finish shredded and was thinking about doing
-Sustanon 250 weekly
Anavar 80mg daily
PCT I run Nolva 50 daily 3 weeks
Clomid 100 ed week 1, 50 ed week 2-4, and 25 till my nuts feel fat and heavy. I take Proviron all throughout PCT
Can you guys tell me what you think about proposed cycle and or what would you do differently? I really would rather use test e but I really don’t feel like waiting around 6 weeks and wanted to keep this cycle at 10 weeks and then PCT
Thanks for the reply. Can you tell me why you don’t like Sust? I like Test E but it takes forever to kick in and I was looking at Sust because of the blend. I like your cycle with Prop but I am avoiding it because of the frequency of pinning. It’s not that I am afraid of the stick. That’s part of this but I don’t have anyone to help me and I was afraid if my thighs got too beat up that I would have a hard time finding another good place to inject.
As for Tren, I am not sure I’m ready or willing to run the risk since it’s for more advanced users. This is only my third cycle and everything I read scared me off.
Thanks again!
There are many issues with sust. For starters, it really needs to be inj EOD. SO why not just run prop? 3x a week will suffice? Again, why not prop. The other issue is the ester doses. Unless you run an assload you never have a sufficient amount of any of the esters in you. IT also tends to cost more, for what??
Test E does not take forever to kick in… and if that’s really an issue for you add an oral or prop to the first 4 weeks of your cycle.
If you don’t like pinning then why the hell would you run sust? Run test E or cyp and any other long ester of your choice. I.e. tren E or Masteron E, or both…
I usually pin my delts and tris. If I really start getting beat up i’ll use my quads and or my ass. If someone is there to help I like the traps.
I don’t like tren, so I’m not going to tell you to run it. I’m using it out of necessity right now.
If you want to cut on a NOR19 use NPP (short acting deca) but again, pinning EOD.
Thanks IronMonster. I will probably go with my OG Test E. I really didn’t retain much water but I would say most of my gains were on the back 9. I added Dianabol last time but I’m not a fan. It was great for strength and quick gains but I don’t think it provided much of anything more than a kickstart. I had planned on pinning every 3 days with Sust so I guess I could drop down to EOD with prop. Any problems with site injection soreness from prop?
As for injection site, I like the quads because it’s easy to get to, a lot of surface but I know they have taken a beating with just two cycles. Have you ever noticed pinning in the delts or tris interfering with your workout?
sounds about right with what you experienced with dbol.
I often mix porpl with something else but I’ve used it alone. I’ve had some that hurt a bit, some that was smooth as silk. Rotate your inj sites either way.
As far as inj sites interfering with workouts, only legs and glutes have ever done that to me.