This is my first cycle that is going to last longer then 8 weeks. I have come up with this after reading around and having a buddy of mine help out. However, I am not sure if I have the protection set up right. I am 6’3" 212 and 16% body fat. Can anyone offer some feedback on if this is a good setup?
i would think of putting the winny to weeks 16-18 so you have a little something in you as the eq slowly tapers out. otherwise you are going to be at 750mg a week, then after week 15 you stop winny and pinning eq you will be dropping your dose by half as you only have the remaining eq in your system.
if you run the winny till the end of the clear out peroid of the eq, you can stop your cycle instantly as soon as you stop the winny. otherwise your hormone levels may drop down before the pct starts.
you may also want to consider at least 10mg nolva per day for the parts of the cycle where you are using adex.
I agree with monopoly. Keep it simple. Just stick with the eq/test enthanate. Run it for as long as you are comfortable with. You could run the eq for 15 weeks and the test for an additional 3-4 weeks (or even longer).
Just make sure you run the test 3-4 weeks after your last inj. of eq., since it takes a long time for eq to clear. And I like the suggestion of dropping the test dose to maintenance levels for those 3-4 weeks.
Something in the range of 100mg-250mg. You could taper 250,200,150,100.
too light and not a real good cycle…why do the nolvadex so soon…I dont use it until i notice my sex drive dropping. I would never use eq by itself its a waste . try some tren and if your going to do test why not do sust instead?
[quote]Npccompetitor69 wrote:
too light and not a real good cycle…why do the nolvadex so soon…I dont use it until i notice my sex drive dropping. I would never use eq by itself its a waste . try some tren and if your going to do test why not do sust instead?[/quote]
after years of trial and error not only on myself but others I have discovered that sustanon works much much better than any one test. Why does it work…who cares…cant tell you why a gun works…I just know it does…i dont need to know why tren works or anadrol 50 I just know they work better…why waste time .
Thanks for the help I agree I need to add some Test in. If I can only get 10ml (500mg/cc) of test and made my cycle look like this. . .
W1-4: Eq (500)/ Test c & e (500)/ Db (50)/ Adex (.50)
W5-10: Eq (500)/ Test c & e (500)/ Adex (.25)
w11-12 Eq (500)/ Winny (50)
W13-14: Winny (50)
W16-19: Clomid (100/100/50/50)
. . . would it be a good cycle? or should I taper the test down to 250 for the last 4 weeks so it can stretch to 12 weeks? I have also been told to go ahead and use HGC 500ui eod after my last does. What do you all think?
I have never done roids and would like to try it now.
I am quite skinny, I weigh 58Kg and I am 1.74m tall (5’9").
I am thinking about doing Sustanon (gonna get from Brazil - Durateston).
Now, will a 3 weeks cycle show any result?
I am afraid of getting the side effect of gynecomastia.
I am not sure of how much to do on a cycle or how much nolvadex to take and when to take. Got loads of doubts.
I have been reading on many places but always get different results.
Would anynoe advise what would be the best to do (just don’t say “don’t do roids”, I will do it anyway - hehehehe).
too light and not a real good cycle…why do the nolvadex so soon…I dont use it until i notice my sex drive dropping. I would never use eq by itself its a waste . try some tren and if your going to do test why not do sust instead?
Because sustanon sucks ass. [/quote]
Finally, someone else who has seen the light. Sustanon does suck ass.
I agree n think sustanon is fairly pants too… has to be said, wld only ever use potuguese if had to lol…
I wld start or using prop with ur dbol mate bearing in mind ur test enanthate or cyp isnt going to kick in till 12 days after u start so ur not gtn good variation or ur androgenics and anabolics together, u shld maybe try running in prop with ur d bol n then phase in ur slower esters(test e or c) after a week out as well with ur eq. After that I wld phase in tren n winnie then run ur pct after that. Can I ask why ur chosing to run arimidex and not tamoxifen ?