Hey guys, I’ve been reading the forums for the past couple of months and I like the community. I?ve got some problems with my lower back, I want some advice on.
The Story
I did some lifting in high school, but I didn’t get serious until last year. I started a program of squats, deadlifts and benches (In that order) along with some hanging leg raises. It worked great and I made solid gains for about a month, and then my back started hurting.
It’d usually start in between sets towards the end of a workout. My back would get stiff, and there’d be this throbbing pain on either side of my spine, right above my waist.
Walking about seemed to agitate it, and the only way to soothe it was to just sit or lay down. Weirdly enough, it didn’t effect my strength, lifting just hurt. A lot. So I started cutting short my workouts. Which means, pretty soon, I wasn’t working out.
I went to see a chiropractor and a regular doctor about it. Both took x-rays and told me there was nothing wrong with my spine or my back (okay, the chiropractor told me some stuff wrong with my back, but nothing major and nothing that would cause the difficulty I was having). Both recommended just doing some bodyweight exercises to develop the slow twitch muscle and I’d be fine.
So I tried that. I did a wrestler?s bridge every day for a couple of months, also the birddog position and Cobra pose from yoga to help loosen and strengthen my back. About a month later (I continued to bridge afterward), the pain was still there. The first couple of workouts I was overjoyed, because I thought it had gone away. But then it showed up again.
I’ve tried hanging on an inversion machine, I’ve tried stretching, I?ve tried SLDL’s and good mornings to strengthen my lower back? nothing seems to heal whatever’s messed up. At least, nothing I?ve tried. But then again, I imagine there’s a lot of stuff I haven’t tried. Yet.
Anyone got any experience with this? Tips for rehabbing lower back?