I’m a 24 year old male with a 4ish year training history that has emphasized strength training, running, and bodyweight/kalisthenics at different times.
Currently, I want to really get back into the strength training, and just wanted to get some feedback to make sure I have my head screwed on straight.
My goals are 1) look good without a shirt (I’m an actor), and 2) be functionally strong.
Some stats, just based off of work sets recently. I have also included maxes from when I last focused on the strength training, maybe a year ago.
Height: 5’ 11"
Weight: 162lbs
Bodyfat: ~15-18%
Deadlift: 3x5x235 (previously 305, Sumo)
Squat: 3x5x185 (previously 225)
Bench: 3x5x165 (previously 185)
So, I’m at this point where I’m not really satisfied with my physique. I can see a fuzzy abs outline, but I’ve also got tiny little love handles.
In spite of the extra fat, experience and reading is telling me that what I need to do right now is eat a shitload of food and get more weight on the bar.
I figure if I can be repping 225 for bench, 305 for squat, and 395 for deadlift, plus accessory work for size, I can back off and start cutting to look leaner/tighter at that time.
Game plan is to possibly do Greyskull again, as that helped me get to 3 plates on the deadlift before. I wasn’t super satisfied with my size gains at that time, but that could also be diet.
I was wondering if I could somehow incorporate a 6 day push/pull split, spreading volume throughout the week, so that I can hit quads, hams, back, chest, bis, and tris 2-3 times a week each. I’ve never reallly done a “bro split” like this, but then again I’ve also never gotten big. Especially my arms, which lag a bit.
Thoughts? Criticism? Would pictures be helpful? (chest, back, wheels, and shoe?)
Thank you in advance!