Getting Back Into It, Advice Needed

Howdy folks!

It’s been a while since I posted here. Life hit, and I went on a crazy adventure that involved lots of body-weight exercise and running, but not a lot of recovery and no weight lifting. So I need some help with programming to get back into the weight room. Also, I think my programming was all dicked up to begin with, so I need a fresh start anyway.

Specific Question: what is a good program for a returning novice (not-quite-intermediate) lifter after 2-3 months not barbell training?

My last 1RMs were something like this, at about 155lbs bodyweight:
Bench 185
Squat 195
Deadlift 275
Press 110


  1. add size (10-20lbs)
  2. look more good naked
  3. earn some actual numbers in the main lifts.

Considering that my previous totals weren’t that hot to begin with, I was thinking of just doing Starting Strength, with a starting weight of 70% of my previous 1RMs, and working up until I can get back to 5/3/1-style programming.

Any and all advice appreciated!

GreySkull LP

Thank you! Checking it out now!

Greyskull is a good choice. If that doesn’t do it for you, 531 usually does the trick.

I was looking at doing a Greyskull that looks something like this:

Workout 1:
Bench 3x5
Row 3x5
Squat 3x5
Curl 3x8

Workout 2
Press 3x5
Pull-Up 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Lying Tricep Extension 3x8

With programming like this:

Alternate workouts 3 days per week, with light cardio on off days; do AMRAP on last sets of big lifts; increase weight by 10lbs each workout for squat/dead, and by 5 pounds for bench/press; reset each lift by 10% once I stall; switch to 5/3/1 once I reset a couple times on deadlift.

Am I totally off base, or does this work okay?

I would skip the Tricep Extensions for now.

Also, the basic Greyskull template alternates presses and bench every other day, however it doesn’t alternate squatting and deadlifting quite the same. Those go Squat, Deadlift, Squat, every week.


Week 1:
M: Bench, Curl, Squat
W: Press, Weighted Chins, Deadlift
F: Bench, Curl, Squat

Week 2:
M: Press, Weighted Chins, Squat
W: Bench, Curls, Deadlift
F: Press, Weighted Chins, Squat

Have you looked at the Greyskull LP book? Both editions can be found on Scribd. There are recommendations for how to program the weighted chins and curls.

[quote]Curl Variants - Two sets: 10-12 repetitions
Chin/Pull-up Variants - Two sets: 6-8 repetitions (if weighted)[/quote]

Interesting with the deadlifts and squats. I understand now.

I will check out the book on Scribd instead of trawling forums for information.

And I won’t do the tricep work if it’s not a good idea, but may I ask why you think it isn’t good to include? Is it just because it might interfere with adaptation from the bench and press movements?

Thank you for the guidance and advice!

[quote]OGrady wrote:
And I won’t do the tricep work if it’s not a good idea, but may I ask why you think it isn’t good to include? Is it just because it might interfere with adaptation from the bench and press movements? [/quote]
That’s pretty much it.

You’re getting a fair amount of [tricep] volume in with the pressing. I’d just give yourself some time to see how you react to the pressing as-is before adding in any additional tricep work.

It probably wouldn’t hurt if you did it, just a suggestion.

Rock and roll. Thank you!

[quote]LoRez wrote:

[quote]OGrady wrote:
And I won’t do the tricep work if it’s not a good idea, but may I ask why you think it isn’t good to include? Is it just because it might interfere with adaptation from the bench and press movements? [/quote]
That’s pretty much it.

You’re getting a fair amount of [tricep] volume in with the pressing. I’d just give yourself some time to see how you react to the pressing as-is before adding in any additional tricep work.

It probably wouldn’t hurt if you did it, just a suggestion.[/quote]
Dumb question. Are the benches and presses on alternating days or you alternate them on the same day?