Hey all, long time lurker.
About a month ago, I really got fed up with how much weight I’ve gained in the past 3 years. I was never much of a lifter. I grew up doing Judo, I boxed and I did about a year of BJJ at Renzo Gracie’s, until I couldn’t afford it anymore.
In the past three years, I stopped eating right, didn’t exercise or train much and I ballooned up to around 290lbs.
Like I said, about a month ago, I got back into eating the right things and I wanted to make a change. During that time, I got a new partner at work (I do retail loss prevention). He is green behind the ears and I was set up to mentor him because he’s had problems bringing shoplifters back into the store (be it physically or verbally).
Well, the first day with him, he spots a guy who tried to stab him about a month before and the guy ends up shoplifting again. My partner (let’s call him Bob) decides to go outside and asked me to follow up from behind if there are any problems.
Bob, off the bat, screws up the entire apprehension by shouting ‘GET ON THE GROUND, GET ON THE GROUND’. Long story short, the guy attempts to pull the knife, I throw him to the ground, he powers up with me on top of him, and i proceed to throw him two more times before I can get him handcuffed, meanwhile, Bob did nothing to help.
Two things I got from that altercation was, Bob is an idiot and two, I may have had great technique with my throws (well good enough anyway), but my strength was far below what someone my size should be.
Later on, I find out that he garnished the story by adding himself into the fight, stating how he ‘got his blows in’. I don’t mind that, but it was my first clue that this kid was poison.
Fast forward to two weeks ago, I get him motivated, to help me get motivated and we joined a gym. I haven’t stepped foot inside a gym since 2005, so I’m a little bit nervous. I don’t remember how to set up a routine, especially for someone in my condition, I’m reading the T-Nation articles like crazy, overfeeding my brain and it can hardly digest.
But I jumped in with both feet because it’s now or never. The problem with Bob is that he eats horribly, drinks a lot and his goal is to be a BEAST. Ok. I point him to this website, tell him what is required to meet that goal and let’s just do it.
The first day, we did chest and back. My numbers are laughable. Warmed up on the row machine for 5 minutes, then I did 4 x 10 at 75lbs. on the bench, the same on the incline. I did 4 x 10 front pull downs and felt horrible.
I was dazed and felt like throwing up. I don’t know if it was the Surge or just the first day bug. It was to the point that I called it a day there. I felt bad about it, and I told myself I would do better the next day. Later that day, I find out that Bob told another co-worker that I couldn’t lift for shit and that I got too sick to continue. I got angry. My ego was bruised a little and I felt ashamed, but I ended up just letting it roll off my back.
The next day, I did Legs. It was a better day than the last, but I felt I didn’t have a good routine. I did 4 x 10 squat at 75 lbs. and the leg press machine 4 x 10 at 200lbs. I really wanted to do deadlifts, but I was afraid on how my form would be and I had no one to show me, hands on, how to do it. After doing 4 x 10 calf raises, I jumped on a bike and did 5 miles in 15 minutes.
Throughout the week, I’ve been eating almost every meal with Bob. Bob has yet to change to a clean diet. My meals go like this:
Morning: Protein shake + small handful of quaker oats + half a banana mixed in with some benefiber. Multi-vitamin, Rez-V & Alpha Male taken
Snack: Apple, banana, grapes
Lunch: Can of tuna with a teaspoon of mayo and a salad thrown inside the bowl.
Snack: Cottage cheese, fruit, salad etc.
Meal: One chicken breast, cut in half, pan fried in extra virgin olive oil, rubbed with cumin, pepper, onion powder and a little adobo. I also have a serving of green beans, carrots and peas.
Snack: cottage cheese, fruit, or a protein shake
Bob’s meals go like this
Breakfast: none. Maybe a banana
Snack: none
Lunch: Chinese food
Snack: chicken cesar salad
Dinner: Steak, garlic bread, beer
Bob is constantly asking me if I want any of his food and he wants a drinking partner. My food cravings have stopped, but the smell doesn’t turn me off like it used to back in the day. I’m trying to kick that now. But, in the mean time, this is like putting a crack pipe with a rock next to a crackhead.
Fast forward to this week. Yesterday, we were doing shrugs on a machine. I had about 85 lbs. on there and we were on our last set before we were going to hit the bench and Bob swears he pulled a muscle coming off of the last rep.
I didn’t doubt him, so I told him to take it easy. I finished up on the bench and we left. 2 hours later, he was fine. Today comes and I call him at 8am and he tells me that his neck is hurting real bad and he can’t move it and he might have to go to the hospital. I asked him if I could use his shower after I get out of the gym and he said fine.
Legs were up today and I upped my squat to 4x10 of 100lbs. I felt better about that, but once again I was lost on what to do. I did calf raises and the bike again and I had to call it a day because I had to head to work in 30 minutes. Not getting a solid workout in is upsetting me. I get to Bob’s house, which is 2 minutes away and he’s ready for work and he doesn’t seem to have a problem moving his neck. Did he just okie doke out of a workout? I think so. The day followed where he ended up eating fried chicken wings and french fries, while I, not being able to bring food to work, ordered steamed chicken and broccoli with mixed vegetables and no sauce or rice.
What do I do about Bob? I am getting no motivation from him, the guy eats like a slob and he can’t be consistent with training. I swear, every time I look at him, I am reminded by an article I read here a long long time ago about how friends and family can be poison to you. My problem is that this gym is right by his house and we both signed up for a year membership. Do I keep going… any advice on how to get past this?
Also, I know this is asking much, but is there any way someone can help me with a weekly routine? I’m really trying to put something together, but I keep falling short and I never have enough time to look at what would work best for me.
I am 25, 6’1" 272lbs. I do not know my bf%, but it’s gotta be a lot. I have bad gyno, but it’s gone down a bit, along with my stomach. My goals are: to get down to around 210-220, to increase my load to a non-laughable state, and thirdly to really start working my core muscles and explosiveness.
At this point, I have the last one on the back burner, because I just don’t feel comfortable fighting at this weight. I’m embarrassed to spar or roll with anyone. I’m not saying I want to compete, but I am really trying to get my groove back and be able to handle myself when I get into a situation that lasts over 1 minute.
I didn’t think I’d write all of this and I am surpised if anyone managed to read through all of this. I’d really appreciate it if I could get some advice and maybe even insight on a weekly routine that fits my pattern.
Thank you for your time.