Need a New Squat Strategy

I’ll try not to ramble but, I need a new squat-strength strategy, here’s why.

. I finally got the OK to squat heavy again after dislocating my petella and brusing my knee cartilage.

. Before this happened I was already focusing on bringing up my lagging squat but now I have to plan around 2 new factors my doctor wants me to program in:
-A: He wants me to focus the majority of my squat-based workouts on targeting my glutes & hamstrings (to help prevent future injury).
-B: He wants me to only do actual heavy barbell squats on the 1st training day of the week, the other 1-2 days I might train for squat that week my primary exercise should be a squat assistance exercise with slightly less weight and more volume.

. Now if I could train squat like I was planning (3-5 reps of 3-5 sets) with the added hamstring & glute work I’d have no problem. Its factor “B” thats throwing me off.

. So my question is what should my squat work look like? Spicifficly:

  • What should the sets/reps/frequency look like for my x1 actual squatting day and my, x2-3 squat-assistance focused days?

  • What assistance exercise will carry over best to building squat strength? (my idea is simply box squat or safety-bar squat, or mabey each one on a different day)

  • Should I even train heavy squats within the typical 3-5 × 3-5 set/rep range? (I ask because I read an article by Louie Simmons that suggested only box squating using 8×2 @ varying percentages of my max, until I’m ready to max out on squat again)

. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I’ve been training for almost 10 years and i haven’t hit my goal of a 405 max yet, and its driving me crazy

Thanks everyone!!!

Couldn’t you use this day to do some lighter tempo paused squats. 3-4 sets of 3 reps. Tempo - 3 second down, 1 second pause.

@wiseman83 other ideas ?

It certainly seems like box squatting would help with the goal of learning to sit back and use your posterior chain. It’s also pretty knee-friendly.


I agree with box squats. You can also try wider stance squats.

Do some good mornings and sumo deadlifts too. You’d be surprised how much they can improve your squat when programmed correctly, and they’re knee friendly & absolutely target your hammies and glutes.

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I agree.

But to help us best assist you, can you post a video of your squat?