I’ll try not to ramble but, I need a new squat-strength strategy, here’s why.
. I finally got the OK to squat heavy again after dislocating my petella and brusing my knee cartilage.
. Before this happened I was already focusing on bringing up my lagging squat but now I have to plan around 2 new factors my doctor wants me to program in:
-A: He wants me to focus the majority of my squat-based workouts on targeting my glutes & hamstrings (to help prevent future injury).
-B: He wants me to only do actual heavy barbell squats on the 1st training day of the week, the other 1-2 days I might train for squat that week my primary exercise should be a squat assistance exercise with slightly less weight and more volume.
. Now if I could train squat like I was planning (3-5 reps of 3-5 sets) with the added hamstring & glute work I’d have no problem. Its factor “B” thats throwing me off.
. So my question is what should my squat work look like? Spicifficly:
What should the sets/reps/frequency look like for my x1 actual squatting day and my, x2-3 squat-assistance focused days?
What assistance exercise will carry over best to building squat strength? (my idea is simply box squat or safety-bar squat, or mabey each one on a different day)
Should I even train heavy squats within the typical 3-5 × 3-5 set/rep range? (I ask because I read an article by Louie Simmons that suggested only box squating using 8×2 @ varying percentages of my max, until I’m ready to max out on squat again)
. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I’ve been training for almost 10 years and i haven’t hit my goal of a 405 max yet, and its driving me crazy
Thanks everyone!!!