For the last year or more I have been following DeFranco’s Westside for Skinny Bastards. Prior to that I had followed a routine similiar to the Dave Tate’s beginnner Westside template. I am currently in the midst of dieting down using Joel Marions Cheaters Diet and things are going well, but I feel like my weight workouts are a little lacking.
I am also currently recovering from a torn meniscus in my knee so the leg workouts are preset by the Doctor. Along with that I have been ellipicalling 1-2 times a week for HIIT and playing hockey 2-3 times a week.
Basically I need something that is different than WSSB enough to be a change of pace and interesting (getting a little bored with it) and be a decent workout for while in a caloric deficit and without using too much legs (or at least has legs in a way that I could sub in my rehab/PT for legs). Anyone have any suggestions?
getting in shape cutting fat challenging, etcc try EDT with mainly compounds shit ripped the fat off me a while back and was eating to gain do 2-3 pr zones each day Done!!
I did a skinny bastard workout after using a conjugate (westide) routine. I am now using EDT workout. This is my sixth week and decided to test my max and tweek the workout. In 5 weeks my floor press has gone up 25 lbs.
I can’t remember the last time I made these type of gains. I am now changing up the routine and performing a ME lift followed by and EDT set (15 min between 2 exercises). EDT will kick your ass if your not use to the fast pace, but it is worth it. Good luck!
Search the site. I don’t say that to be mean, but my workout changed each workout. The program gives you a menu to choose your exercises, and I get bored pretty fast. You can also checkout He has two different skinny bastard workouts on there.