Seriously, if you take ONE THING away from this thread it’s the eating thing.
Go to and log in what you eat. I will bet you a Baconator that you wont be a hardgainer when you get your calories up to 4,500 or more.
Here’s an e-mail I sent to a male client of mine, both quotes are from this site and from two very knowledgable guys:
"I’m actually currently training a guy (in his early 50’s) who wants to build muscle. I’ve got him on a very basic program right now, but he keeps hitting walls due to his unwillingness to put in the effort at the dinner table.
I’ve even tried giving him easier options for ways to get more calories in (like making all his meals on Sunday when he doesn’t have to work, or drinking a half gallon-gallon of milk a day, to ordering more food than he needs at lunch so he can have food to eat later, etc…) but to no avail.
It’s sad really because a lot of newbe’s have a lot of drive in the gym, but they wind up shooting themselves in the foot with their lack of eating. I was once one of them, so I’m not passing judgement on them.
I really wish that someone had kicked me in the ass earlier in my career and force fed me just to show me how foolish I was being. That’s one thing about bodybuilding though, it’s all about self discipline. And you are the only one who can determine whether or not you get results.
Sorry for the rant at the alter. ;)"
"I think you missed my point. I did NOT eat like I should have for a significant portion of the last 12 years. Had I done so it would NOT have taken me this long…even at this age.
I didn’t realize that the eating was like the lifting. In other words, you HAVE to suck it up and eat and eat and eat even when you don’t feel like it. I would bust my ass in the gym but not give my body the calories to build. I just didn’t get it.
I should have had somebody cracking a whip on the eating thing. I thought I ate a lot but…guess what? If you’re lifting intensely, no matter where on the curve you are, and you’re not gaining weight, you just aint eating enough. I was a dunce reading the magazines, following different lifting schemes, pounding my muscular and nervous systems and not pounding my digestive system with LOTSAFOOD.
Now, sinners, how many more of you want to come forward and kneel at the altar?"