As I said in a recent post, I don’t post here much because any question I have is usually easily answered using a search of the forums and the magazine. But I’ve got a real problem that every so often I think I’ve got solved, only to have it pop up again and wreck my training (leaving me skinny.)
Two years ago I was coming off my longest stretch of training ever…three years straight through with unscheduled ‘breaks.’ I was having a pain in my abdomen and was given an epidural injection, which went haywire and I started to have spinal headaches which are only relieved when you lie down. It took three weeks to heal, and while I was down, I had to work (I’m an accountant, so I brought work home.) Problem was, in order to work and still be horizontal enough to keep the headaches at bay, I laid on my right side with my right hand under my ear in order to prop my head up (body flat, then head almost at a right angle to my body.) After a few weeks, my neck started to hurt, but I thought it would pass. It never really has.
My neck and shoulders, ever since, are almost CONSTANTLY sore and I have muscle tension headaches very, very often. I did not training for the first year, hoping that this would heal on it’s own. Then I decided I’d strengthen my neck and shoulders by going back to weight training. For a few weeks I’d be fine, but eventually I’d feel like my neck had ‘broken down’ and become even worse than it had without working out. So I’d quit for a month, then try it again. Same result everytime. In the meantime I’ve made sure to stay lean so that, at least, I’m not skinny-fat. I’m 5’11" and 175lbs. with about 9% bodyfat (if my plastic calipers are accurate.) Not happy with that at all.
I understand that muscular tension in the shoulders and neck, along with headaches, is ‘fairly’ common. I’ve tried heat, ice, some stretching, Don Alessi’s “The Weakest Link” article (which I thought was the solution until a few days ago,) a little bit of deep tissue massage, and of course, strength training. I’ve found no good solution, and I do not want to stop my training this time around.
Does anyone have any suggestions that I could try that may help me out? Perhaps someone else on this board has had neck/shoulder problems that they’ve overcome?