I was not really sure where to post this, but I suppose here is as good of a place as any. About 3 weeks ago or so, in my third set of squats I got a crazy insane headache. I don�??t get headaches; never had a problem and I have been lifting for about a year and a half or so. This was close to the end of my workout and I managed to finish it. The next day, I got another one on the first set.
The headache went away by the end of the weekend and came back Monday during my session. This time it was on my first set, I let it subside to a dull ache and continued my workout. Its been like this for the whole time up until this week.
Monday I tried to lift, got a headache and just could not deal with it, I had had enough. Tried again Tuesday and it started to come on, focused my breathing and lifted slower and kept it from getting too out of hand. Tried to lift last night, and it started to come on crazy bad, so I threw in the towel and went inside, before it got to where I can�??t function. After three weeks I just cant handle the crazy pain anymore.
Somewhere in week 2 I thought maybe it was tension and stuff in my neck and traps, so I tried to stretch them out and warm up well before I lifted. I don�??t know if this is a coincidence or what, but the next day, horrific stiff neck. It started to get better but now it�??s a dull ache for about a week.
The headaches seem to be less severe but coming on easier. Last night I started to get one while warming up. I tried increasing my warm ups and I thought that was helping until I started to get it warming up.
I stay hydrated, I am not concentrating on breathing, although I am not sure if that was ever a problem before, and trying to warm up better/more.
Is this a matter of needing to take time off from lifting to let it heal? I have searched and searched but most of the things and forums I have read range from sinus infection, over exertion, breathing, hydration and things like that but I have not really managed to find anything on what people actually did to solve the problem.
I have never really had any medical problems before, nor have I had allergies although this year something was going on as my eyes have been red and itchy, so I wonder if I am starting to get an allergy to something and maybe this is a cause or something? I feel normal so I don�??t know.
My options as I see it at this point, aside from the obvious are:
Get a message and hope if I cure the tightness in my neck the other symptoms will follow
Go see a chiropractor
Go see a family dr.
Go see a specialty dr.
First I am going to take the rest of this week off, and perhaps all of next week and see where I get from there and re-asses the situation.
Money is limited for the doc visits and whatnot, (for those of you wondering, no I did not buy supplements, I ran out of money before that after I took care of my important things) so I guess I need to make the right decision first.
Nothing really has changed in this time as far as diet and workouts. About 2 weeks or so before this I had about 3 weeks off between the hurricane and my wife leaving. In that time I changed from Starting Strength to a 4 day split. Supplements are only glucosamine, fish oil and creatine. I am on the AD diet but even that has not changed in I don�??t know how long.
Also, since this is the first �??injury�?? time off I have had while bulking, what do I do with my diet? Keep it on excess, return to maintenance levels or what?
So I am just curious opinions, or if someone has traveled this road and found a cure, and such.