Hi, what exercises can I do to bring my shoulders out and more defined. I feel like my shoulders are too narrow. I would like to be able to see my traps and shoulders. 90% of my workouts are weighted Calesthenics (pull-ups, dips, push-ups) I occasionally do barbel OHP but not seeing results.
Clavicle lengthening surgery anyone?
Sorry, reference to an old thread.
Old fast bastard beat me to it!
Fighting gravity, pretty much all weight lifting with your feet supporting all of the weight, works your delts and traps. OHP and upright rows and high pulls will target the delts.
Idk, calisthenics seems to be the worst tool in the box for shoulder size, IMO.
Do lateral delt raises like 3 or more times per week.
Add rear delt flys 2-3x per week as well.
Traps seem to respond well to just pulling heavy shit with reckless abandon. At least, that’s seemingly worked okay for me. Do some form of shrugs 2x per week.
Not much you can do to actually broaden your shoulders, but narrowing your waist and thickening/widening your lats would help them appear bigger and wider.
You have a good physique but your delts are small. As @Andrewgen_Receptors stated, tightening up your waist would help create the v-shape you’re seeking. But you really need to pick up the weight training @RT_Nomad referred to to build your delts and traps.