N00b Here w/ Questions

hi to all ,i just started body-building 3 months ago. i am sad to say im a little lost and confused at the moment.My tummy is starting to get bigger since i am trying to bulk now. i am bulking because i feel my chest,back and my shoulders are underdeveloped. And ever since i started lifting i had never done any legs excercise which is a huge mistake because i didn’t want my legs to grow any bigger. but now that has changed cause i am doing squats to get some ripped quads.

as i am bulking i am very afraid that i might end up being a fat-ass as i was a FFB. so how do a FFB put on muscles or lean mass and not too much fat?What should i eat? more greens with more proteins and less carbohydrates? Anyways im 18 this year pretty short at 165cm and 64kg, im asian that should explain my height.

here are some of my pictures so that it will be easier to help me with. i just want to look big and ripped hopefully in the near future. my ideal physique would be something like Christian Thibaudeau i know its very difficult to obtain such a body but i am willing to try. i want people to see me as a guy that is big and ripped and works out.

anways here are my pathetic pictures if it helps been taken 2nights ago

and i want to thank those that are going to reply in advance and sorry for having such a long post anyways.

soryy but i don’t know how to get all 4 pic in 1 post so just gonna seperate them for now



[quote]seth1989 wrote:
Anyways im 18 this year pretty short at 165cm and 64kg, im asian that should explain my height.

Thats fucking hilarious. Anyway read this stuff:


and yea you need to bulk without puting on too much BF, read this:


Its all stuff you coulda found yourself but thats alright, enjoy.

thanks ss847859 for your contribution but the 2nd link doesn’t works

[quote]seth1989 wrote:
thanks ss847859 for your contribution but the 2nd link doesn’t works [/quote]

Well its the first link under nutrition in the first link…if you understand what I’m saying. Its the 7 habits of healthy eating.

Read what SS gave you,

Here’s the second link again for you.

Looks like your left shoulder is higher than your right…

thanks for the replies again never really notice my left shoulder being higher than the right before