I finally figured out how to video my lifts and make the files small enough to upload.
These are my last 2 sets of bench during my ME Bench day, working up to a 3RM (though the last one I only got 2).
Second to last set, 315 for 3:
Last set, 335 for 2:
I see by looking at these that I may need to work on keeping my ass down.
I felt it lift off on one of the reps, but thought it was down for the others. I guess that’s the good thing about video taping yourself.
2 weeks ago I got a PR of 355 for 1, and the week before that I got 335 for 3. Last week I barely got 335 for 1 and now this week I’m up to 2.
Still weaker than 3 weeks ago! Not good! But still stronger than any weeks prior to 3 weeks ago.
Since I just figured out how to do this, and how to edit the videos so they’re not 30MEG, I’ll post each ME workout, or other lifts that I need work on my form.
That first one got cut off early, so I re-downloaded it, then I realised that I still cut the video too short when I edited it.
Okay, since I’m still having trouble with that first video, I just uploaded the original one that’s close to 25 meg, but realised that it takes forever to upload, so:
^^Here is that same video, but shortened and quicker to download.