So latley Ive been thinking about my bench. A few months ago I could rep 225 8 times if I was feeling my best, and around that time I maxed at 285. That was when I was working in lower reps of course, now im doing 5/3/1 and havent been below 5 reps in about 5 months.
Now im repping 225 11x, but in the past 2 months ive failed at 285 and 290. And tonight I tried 290 again, and failed horribly. And afterwords BARELY making 280. It’s obvious 5/3/1 has improved my endurance, and that ive lost my raw power. If I plan on maxing in febuary, I dont think I can continue following the 5/3/1 bench program. But I will stick with the DL and squat 5/3/1 program, it’s benifited me to much to stop.
My plan is to go back to a westisde template, sticking to only the basic flat bench and 2-board, nothing fancy, and having a ME and RE day every week. My 2 month layout will look like this:
Monday: Squat 5/3/1
Tuesday: ME bench
2-board, 4 triples
lat pulldowns
Thursday: Deadlift 5/3/1
Friday: RE bench
CG bench 5x5
MP 5/3/1
DB row
low row
The only changes I really made are the reps and the added RE day, I will be keeping the 4th week de-load. What do you guys think? If anyone has a better way to peak my strength please tell me, this shit is on my mind 24/7.