just want to get some feedback on my current routine.
stats: 19 y/o
175 pounds
training 3 years on/off
Goals: Gain size and strength
Day 1: Chest and Back
4x6 Bench press- working up to a 6 rep max
4x6 bent over row- work up to 6 rep max
3x8 Incline dumbbell press
3x8 Pull down
3x10 Hammer strength Bench
3x10 Bent over dumbell row
-These two exercises are a superset
2x12 lat pull over
2x12 pec deck
-these are supersetted
Day 2: legs
Squat 4x6- work up to 6 rep max
Romanian Deadlift 4x6- work up to 6 rep max
Leg press 4x8
Glute Ham-Raise 4x8
-these are supersetted
Day 3: Shoulders and arms
Push Press 4x6- work up to 6 rep max
sitting shoulder press 3x8
2x10 superset of front and side raises
3x10 face pull
rope hammer curls 3x10
close grip bench 3x10
any advice is appreciated. My main concerns are if the volume is sufficient and proper exercise choices.