Opinions on New Workout

Monday: Chest and Back
Bench Press 4x2-6
Pull Ups 4x failure
Incline Bench 3x8
Rows 3x8
Decline Bench 3x10
Lat Pulldowns 2x8
DB Rows 2x8

Tuesday: Legs and Abs
Squats 4x4x-10
Deadlifts 3x8
Lunges 3x10
Leg Curls 3x12
Calf Raises 4x12
Various Ab exercises

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Arms
Barbell Curls 3x8-10
Dips 3x12
Preacher Curls 3x10
Skull Crushers 3x10
One Arm Cable Curls 3x12
One Arm Rope Pushdowns 3x12

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Shoulders and Traps
Power Cleans 4x3
Arnold Press or Behind the Neck Press 4x10
DB Shrugs 3x12
Lateral Raises 3x10
Machine Shrugs 3x8
Front DB Raises 3x10
Upright Rows 2x10

all critiquing welcome!

you’re going to be spending a lot of time in the gym for each of those workouts.

also i don’t really like behind the neck presses, mostly because i can’t move any serious weight when doing them. it just doesn’t feel safe.

Instead of having back and chest together, why don’t you put them on separate days and have biceps with one and triceps with the other?
Also, put deadlifts on back day.

Ok, heres my honest opinion with this routine. Their are a lot of unnecessary ex. that just seem to be repeated with slight variations. For example, Lat pull-downs and pull ups, essentially the same movement. Decline, Incline, and flat bench is a little excessive why not throw in some cable flys or I like “Far away Cable flies” and omit the decline(READ: How to design a damn good program on here).

On the leg day I would not advise doing Back squats and DL in the same day especially eight reps on the dead (to much stress on the lower back). Instead throw in some hamstring work this is a very quad dominant “Leg” Day. I would also omit the DB shrugs or omit the machine shrugs. You are already power cleaning which involves the traps a great deal, if I were you I would throw in some heavy shrugs maybe 8 reps tops and maybe some voyeur shrugs. Just my .02cs hope that helps good luck!!!

To be honest, looks a bit all-over-the-place to me. Also, like MUthrows94 said, there’s a lot of overlap: rows and DB rows, +3 bench variations in one workout? Really? Why not just do one thing well than a kazillion things badly.

Also, I don’t think the exercises are synergistic. e.g. I’d do shoulders and chest in one “Push” workout, eg:
Overhead press
DB Bench press
Lateral Raises

Isn’t that enough exercises to hit pretty much everything? I know it would be for me! At most, I’d throw in a few reps to bring up a lagging body part, but that’s it.

Finally, how come shoulders/traps and arms get a workout each? Do you really feel this is necessary? Why not give squat and dead different days, and instead choose ONE bench press variation, ONE overhead pressing exercise, ONE type of row, and free up some space by doing arms as a finisher on other workout days? Thus leaving time for the important shit.

I think that the only reason for this kind of workout is if you really need a lot of volume for whatever reason. Your random-looking rep and set protocol probably mean that you’re very advanced and know what works for you… Or have no clue. If you’re advanced, ignore what I’ve been saying. If you’re a beginner… Well, this is a bad workout plan.

[quote]brandon_smith565 wrote:
Monday: Chest and Back
Bench Press 4x2-6
Pull Ups 4x failure
Incline Bench 3x8
Rows 3x8
Decline Bench 3x10
Lat Pulldowns 2x8
DB Rows 2x8

Tuesday: Legs and Abs
Squats 4x4x-10
Deadlifts 3x8
Lunges 3x10
Leg Curls 3x12
Calf Raises 4x12
Various Ab exercises

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Arms
Barbell Curls 3x8-10
Dips 3x12
Preacher Curls 3x10
Skull Crushers 3x10
One Arm Cable Curls 3x12
One Arm Rope Pushdowns 3x12

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Shoulders and Traps
Power Cleans 4x3
Arnold Press or Behind the Neck Press 4x10
DB Shrugs 3x12
Lateral Raises 3x10
Machine Shrugs 3x8
Front DB Raises 3x10
Upright Rows 2x10

all critiquing welcome!


I’m assuming since your in the BB section that this is your goal. If that is correct, how old are you? How long have you been training? Where are you at right now in your training?

In regards to the program you’ve wrote, here are my initial observations:

Bench press - you have 4 sets of 2-6 reps. Why? You need to make a decision here. Usually reps of 6-12 or higher are considered (generally) the hypertrophy range. Reps of 2-4 or so are ‘power lifter’ rep ranges, again generally speaking.

Inlcine bench - nothing wrong here, I would suggest using DB’s on this one if your using BB on the flat bench.

Rows - what kind of rows?

Decline press - you could substitute this for a DB fly or cable cross over movement or in my opinion a parallel bar dip.

I don’t have a problem with the pull down or DB row, although I would put the rep range up to around 12-15 since the other ‘heavier’ movements are in the 6-8 rep range.

Squats - good movement…unusual rep range you’ve chosen. How about reps of 6-8? Allows good weight and again you’re at a good rep range for hypertrophy. Other options are reps of 15 or 20 or even 50 depending on your needs and time training.

Dead lifts - as mentioned above, your going to put a lot of unneeded stress on your back doing them with squats. Consider whether you really need them or not. Two schools of thought here. You don’t ‘need’ DL’s to build a back.

I’d do Arnold press before any behind-the-neck movement. Too many people do it wrong and injure themselves.

Pick one shrug at most and stick with it.

Just some initial thoughts.