[quote]Chris87 wrote:
[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
[quote]asooneyeonig wrote:
[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
- Milk sucks the amount of sugar in it is rediculous
- instead try using heavy whipping cream protein powder and water
Why would you add sugar to your regular diet outside of pre/peri/post workout? Heavy cream provides calories from nearly entirely fat turning that protein shake into a real meal. It also tastes delicious and because it doesnt contain the sugar in milk it is a hell of a lot better for building muscle while not gaining uneeded fat.[/quote]
there is some good and bad here. milk has been shown for longer then most of us have been alive that it can help pack on size. chocolate milk has even been shown to be a superior post workout recovery drink. the simple point it is trying to make is to up ones calories. some people just cant eat enough so drinking it can help.
now does that mean it sucks, nope. it works for adding extra calories. its that simple. if you are disciplined enough to eat enough then you dont even need that gallon of milk a day.
[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
3. bodyweight in grams of protein is bullshit: I’m shooting for 350+ grams of protein at 187.5 pounds right now. I recover faster and can train 6 times a week while dieting. I’ve added at least a quarter inch to my arms since I started my diet as well.
-I honestly think bodyweight in grams of protein is the absolute bare minimum to not regress.[/quote]
read that link. it is an interview with a NSCA coach of the year. someone far more knowledgable and experienced then both of us combined. in there he talks about how even poor nutrition people can get big if their workouts are good. this man is even a vegetarian.
it is my opinion that this entire believe that massive protein is needed to even maintain muscle is just ridiculous. just look at any vegan bodybuilder. they are probably much larger then you and even me. and they do it with far less protein intake.
the key IMO is even calories. if massive protein is what you need to get the calories you need then of course its going to make you think it is protein that is helping. but if you get enough calories from say, milk, then you will still recover and grow and it wasnt from massive protein. getting enough calories is what did it. it is my strong opinion that even if 50+% of your diet is fat intake and you get enough total calories you will recover well and grow/adapt.
that research article from the journal of applied physiology shows us that far less then what you state as a minimal to maintain is enough to grow muscle as a beginner. i weigh 190lbs and at the upper end of what it shows would put me as a need of 150grams a day. your statement claims i need 190+ per day and using your example i would need nearly 400grams a day. so you may want to rethink that one.
i am sure this is going to spark quite the debate like it always has when this topic comes up. that is why i specifically stated thats its the calories that are more important as long as a minimal amount of protein is taken in. i propose the minimal amount as what was recommended in that last link i provided.
i also provide this research article:
it shows that bodybuilders need just above what a sedentary person needs and that endurance athletes need much more then bodybuilders and even then not near to the amount you claim is needed.
just remember, circumstantial evidence is not proof it works. repeatable consistent results are.
You can drink milk and put on size obviously but why not consume a higher protein beverage full of slow digesting fats that doesn’t have the sugar content milk has? Outside of being near a workout there isn’t any benefit to eating sugar unless you like putting on fat.
Just so it’s out there, all carbohydrates are sugar. The words are synonymous.
Of course, when people think of “sugar” or see sugar on a nutrition label, they assume monosaccharides. Well, lactose is a disaccharide, so it will not digest as quickly as a monosaccharide, which is generally the complaint with “sugar”.
Also, because of the fat, protein, and complex carbohydrate content of milk, the lactose will digest even slower. For all intensive purposes, in milk lactose acts like a complex carbohydrate, not a “sugar”.
2 examples,
1- You never see anyone drinking milk before a workout, or kids getting hyper after drinking a bunch of milk. It doesn’t give an energy boost, it slows you down. If you drank a half gallon of milk right now, you wouldn’t want to do a damn think for several hours.
2- Babies drink milk all day, every day, for years. In fact, for a significant period, that is all they drink. If the lactose in milk acted like a tradiditonal “sugar” then you would expect to see a bunch of pre-diabetic and diabetic babies and toddlers. You don’t.[/quote]
You are taking what I said in context for gaining less fat and gaining muscle and applying it to babies? You haven’t explained how drinking milk is better than heavy whipping+ Milk protein isolate+ water for gaining muscle without putting on fat.